Here is a quick run down of what has happen since the fair days 1 and 2.
A.) We went to the fair again on the last day just the 2 of us. We met up with Jake, Abbie, Venus, Jenny, and ran into Bianca and her man. I only got one picture of us on my phone but there is one of us on my facebook.
Two things about the fair this year-
STILL LOVE IT wish I could've gone everyday
We "ran" into Jordon's ex-girlfriend from High School which was a little interesting. If you are from my side of the family you know.
If not let me tell you the story.
So there we are just walking with J & A/ B& Man to look at the pictures and I see this girl that I recognize but can't place. I keep staring at her and her husband wondering "Did I help them today at the bank? Should I wave?" and then it hits me .... Oh that was Haili and Brock. Then, I look over at Jordon to see if I should wave or if he is feeling weird or what and what is he doing? Staring at the lady 2 people in front of us that has on some weird outfit!
Then while waiting to get chocolate covered strawberries, bananas and cheesecake I see them again and wonder if we really should say something. And he is off in lala land again.
When I told him that I saw her he was surprised that he didn't notice and that he was sorry.
Now normally I don't even care about ex's but this is a little different. I have only had 1 other guy besides Jordon that I would call a "boyfriend". I was more of a serial dater, who went on 2 or 3 dates a week with someone different every date. I had boys that I went on dates with more regular but they were seeing other girls too like I was other boys. I had boys that I kissed and then ditched. But no boyfriends. I never loved anyone other than Jordon and I only told one other person that I loved them. So when Jordon and I started dating he was still interested in Haili, which I understand,( I dated other boys at the beginning too) BUT what he told me was the she was the only girl he ever loved and that she was the only one that he had ever really kissed too. She held a special place in his heart. For a really long time she was the "one" for him.
I know this is getting long an you're wanting pictures.
I will end with a confession, I am slightly jealous of the fact that she was the other girl that Jordon wanted to marry. I can't help but feel a little... envious (?) that I wasn't his first love.
But he wasn't the first person I told either.
I am happy that she is normal and not some creeper!!

B.) We have lived in our lovely house for a year!! So excited to actually start painting now that Hadleigh is older and I finally have the colors picked out. Now, just to find the time...
C.) Hadleigh got some cute p.j.s that make her look so BIG!
Here is a quick run down of what has happen since the fair days 1 and 2.
A.) We went to the fair again on the last day just the 2 of us. We met up with Jake, Abbie, Venus, Jenny, and ran into Bianca and her man. I only got one picture of us on my phone but there is one of us on my facebook.
Two things about the fair this year-
STILL LOVE IT wish I could've gone everyday
We "ran" into Jordon's ex-girlfriend from High School which was a little interesting. If you are from my side of the family you know.
If not let me tell you the story.
So there we are just walking with J & A/ B& Man to look at the pictures and I see this girl that I recognize but can't place. I keep staring at her and her husband wondering "Did I help them today at the bank? Should I wave?" and then it hits me .... Oh that was Haili and Brock. Then, I look over at Jordon to see if I should wave or if he is feeling weird or what and what is he doing? Staring at the lady 2 people in front of us that has on some weird outfit!
Then while waiting to get chocolate covered strawberries, bananas and cheesecake I see them again and wonder if we really should say something. And he is off in lala land again.
When I told him that I saw her he was surprised that he didn't notice and that he was sorry.
Now normally I don't even care about ex's but this is a little different. I have only had 1 other guy besides Jordon that I would call a "boyfriend". I was more of a serial dater, who went on 2 or 3 dates a week with someone different every date. I had boys that I went on dates with more regular but they were seeing other girls too like I was other boys. I had boys that I kissed and then ditched. But no boyfriends. I never loved anyone other than Jordon and I only told one other person that I loved them. So when Jordon and I started dating he was still interested in Haili, which I understand,( I dated other boys at the beginning too) BUT what he told me was the she was the only girl he ever loved and that she was the only one that he had ever really kissed too. She held a special place in his heart. For a really long time she was the "one" for him.
I know this is getting long an you're wanting pictures.
I will end with a confession, I am slightly jealous of the fact that she was the other girl that Jordon wanted to marry. I can't help but feel a little... envious (?) that I wasn't his first love.
But he wasn't the first person I told either.
I am happy that she is normal and not some creeper!!

B.) We have lived in our lovely house for a year!! So excited to actually start painting now that Hadleigh is older and I finally have the colors picked out. Now, just to find the time...
C.) Hadleigh got some cute p.j.s that make her look so BIG!

D.) Spencer and Jackie had baby Mannix Dean and we went to see them! Hadleigh didn't like him at first but then she warmed up.. kinda. She is definitely used to being the baby. He makes Jordon baby hungry.

F.) Skyler got married to Natalie. Here is what I looked like. More to come when I can get them from Valeigha.