My little Hadleigh loves the hot tub so much. We were so blessed to have it come with our house. I don't know what we are going to do if/when we move and the next place we get doesn't have a one. I think Jordon and Hadleigh's little hearts will be broken. I will miss it too tho. It's nice to use to relax after a long hard day. We have the best talks out there too. Great for your relationship;)
Anyways, On July 5th I decided Hads and I would get in since we had a very long, busy, too much fun weekend. We needed to relax and Jordon was mowing the lawn so it was cut so we would all be outside together. Jordon was going to get in after too so his back could relax.
So while we were in the tub Hadleigh sat up on the side like I was to cool down a little. I turned to put my drink back in the cup holder and just as I turned back I see Hadleigh slip and fall OUT of the tub. It was 2 p.m. I reached for her but totally missed. She landed on her back and hit her head on a 4x4 that surrounds the tub. She let out a scream and started crying. I leaped out of the tub in a panic and started looking for a towel. I left them inside thinking I would just have Jordon grab them on his way out. All I could see was the semi-dry towels we used to dry the dogs earlier that day. I grab Titans towel and carefully lift Hads up out of the rocks supporting her head (just in case she broke her neck) and wrap it around her. She starts flinging her arms around and kicking so I know she's ok...mostly. I yell for Jordon but he had his ear phones in while he mowed. Since he can't hear me I pray so fervently that he will come into the back and see us. As I'm rocking her trying to calm her down he comes back and sees us out of the tub. He runs over to see whats wrong and checks Hadleighs eyes to see if she has a concussion.
She checks out ok so we bathe her and diapered her and let her drink some milk and cuddle us. We did keep her up just in case. She kept saying her arm hurt and we couldn't figure out why. She was moving it earlier so we thought she just hit it when she hit the rock and wood. It started to swell and after her nap she was still complaining about it hurting. It was 5 p.m. We took her in to Emergency Care and sure enough she had hurt it. She had "nurse maid elbow". Dr. Lana tried for about 1 hr 30 min non-stop to get it in and she couldn't. Hadleigh hated it. She said all she could think of to make it end. "I sorry." "It ok." "All done." "Please no." "Stop." It was heart breaking. I cried. Dr. Lana felt so bad. She thought that she got it in so she stopped. We had to leave and we thought that it was in so we left.
10 min after this picture was taken the "Fall" happened.
Not true. When I changed her into her
jamas she cried and said "my arm hurts." I let her go to bed and when Jordon got home from work at 9:30 a.m. we took her in. It was still out. Dr. Lana tried again for about 3 hours. Those were the longest hours EVER. Again with all the screaming and saying sorry. Dr. Lana felt so bad and gave her an ice pack and
children's Tylenol to help with her pain. Dr. Lana called another Dr. who had more experience and was her supervisor. He finally checked it at 4p.m. on the 7
th. It had somehow gone back in. I'm pretty sure Dr. Lana got it in but who knows!
I felt so bad! And even sometimes still she says her elbow hurts. I'm sure it does. She had bruises for about 10 days.
She is one tough little girl though. She is
definitely her mommy's baby! Love her forever.
Sitting on Dad's lap on Day 2

Guarding her arm while she sleeps.