We got there Friday night and had dinner and then went to bed kinda early. I was tired from sitting in a car....weird how that happens. The Maugers came later that night and when we all got up in the morning there was excitement!!! Saturday we went to the pool that is in the complex where Grandma Carol and Jerry live. Later that day we went shopping at the outlets! I had been looking forward to this because I wanted to stock up on summer clothes for next year. I did this last year and saved a butt load. So what if Hadleigh's summer clothes are last season. I'm sure she will get some new ones to throw in the mix. Plus- she looks cute in ANYTHING!
Sunday we went swimming and napped. Oh man was this so nice! We went and visited Grandpa Lewis. He has gotten a little worse since the last time I blogged about him back in April (???) He looked tired and I could tell that he wasn't 100% but he still managed to get up and go snail hunting with the "Greats". I videoed it but with my new(er) phone I don't know how to upload it. It's pretty cute. Jordon and I are planning on using our grandfathers names with our next child. For a girl we are thinkin of using "Lou" if it's a girl and Lewis for a boy. My g-pa's name is Clayton M. so I am thinkin we will use either the initial C or Clay. Maybe Lou-C? Is that a weird middle name?
Monday we went shopping again and Valeigha and I had some girl time. It was nice. It was very needed. As much as I love Hadleigh I need time away from her. My patience level is tested to the MAX every day! We went to this courtyard and let the kids swim. Hadleigh loved it so much. She is a mermaid like her mommy. We went to dinner at the Chuck-Wagon with all the grandparents and it was delish! Monday night Ladd, Valeigha and I went to Mesquite for some grown up time. I had never gambled before so this was a new experience. I only used 20 and I was up to $120 and then lost it all!!! I was done for the night. Ladd and Val did great tho! We were out til 4 am!!! Never EVER in my life have I been out that late. Not High School, not College and definately not since having Hads!!!
Tuesday we headed home. Well, Hadleigh and I stopped in Provo again to stay the night one more time. We got there early enough that Hads and I got to go with G-ma and G-pa White to see their horse Amber!!! Hadleigh got to feed her oats, brush her, sit on her and even go for a little ride!! She loves horses and I think this made the whole trip!!!
Wednesday Hadleigh and I made the 3 hour drive home. We came home to a new master bedroom!! Jordon had re-done it, to my knowledge, while we were gone. Jake came over and helped him hand texture the whole thing which we are very grateful for. I love the colors we picked out. I came home to a tornado of a mess but to a beautiful new room! No more wood paneling!!!
It was a great trip! I can't wait to do it again! The pictures are backwards... oops!