Hadleigh turned 4 on Thursday the 25th. She is becoming quite the young lady. She loves pink. She loves dresses, even though I make her wear shorts underneath. She loves animals. She loves princesses. She loves fairies and playing dress up. She loves dinosaurs and dragons. She loves our dogs. She likes to "make" food for us to "eat". She likes having her nails painted. She is smart. She picks up on things so quickly you have to watch what you say. She likes motorcycles and four wheelers. She is learning how to spell her name and the correct ABC's. She can count to 20 when she wants to. She is learning to tell time. She is learning the days of the week. She loves church and learning about Christ. She has a great imagination and comes up with the silliest stories. She wants a big brother or sister... how that's going to happen I dunno. She is warming up to babies.... one yr old are more fun. She is an amazing helper- she loves to do dishes, dust, clean the bathroom, baseboards and doors, feed the dogs and take them for walks. She is our little Jungle Baby.
She loves fruit and juice.
She loves swimming and water.
She loves climbing in trees.
She loves to be barefoot.
She loves to be outside.
So we had a Safari themed birthday party for her on Saturday the 27th. We BBQ and had smores for dessert. But I also made cupcakes so she could blow out the candles. She likes anything with sugar so we were OK with smores. Plus roasting marshmallows is always fun for kids. The kids decorated visors before the party and then after they painted masks. Boys had Lions. Girls had Elephants. We had so much fun. I hope that everyone else did too! Your thank you cards are in the mail!! Happy birthday Sweetheart.

With that said.....
My baby girl isn't a baby anymore! I know I said that last year but it is becoming more of a reality to me. And it makes me sad. I love having her home with me (most of the time) and enjoy our time together. I don't know what I am going to do when she is in school full time in 2 years! The thought of her starting preschool next month brings tears to my eyes. It is so bitter sweet. The 2 hour break, 2 times a week will be nice "me" time, but it also means she is growing up and needing me less. If we aren't able to get pregnant again and she is our only child what will be my purpose once she starts First Grade? Our house isn't big enough to need cleaning everyday and it's hard to find a job during school hours only so what will I do with my time? I guess I could start massaging again (which I love doing!) But that means gaining clients (which I already had but referred to my friends when I was pregnant) and that is hard in a small community like Pocatello where there are already sooo many great Therapists. Maybe I will go back to school. I was thinking maybe cosmetology so I could do Massage Therapy and Facials?! I dunno. Would that even be a good idea?
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