Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Break!!

Jordon is officially on Thanksgiving break from school!! FINALLY sometime with my hubby! We are super excited to be free to do whatever we want. On our agenda we have to get new tires, eat lots and lots, catch a movie or 2, hang out with Hadleigh Belle and work on homework! We already got the shopping done.... well mostly. I hope that we also get to sit in the hot tub but it's not working very well right now! Dang thing! I am so thankful for all my many blessings that the Lord has given me. Our little family has seen so many wonderful things happen to us. I know that the Lord loves me and I see it everyday in my little girls eyes. She is the best! I know that if we continue to do what is right and strive to be more Christlike that He will bless us even more. I know that I am a daughter of God. And I am thankful for that knowledge. I know that He knows me and my strengths and will never give me more than I can handle. I am so grateful that He has blessed me with my wonderful parents-including my in-laws. I am thankful for my husband and the opportunity we have to be together forever! I am thankful for my siblings and fun memories that we have and will continue to make together. I am thankful for the Prices and joy that they bring into my life. I am thankful for the trials that I have overcome and the things that I have learned about myself while going through the trials. I am thankful for my life, that I am able to run and see and hear and taste. I am thankful for pretty much everything!!! I hope that everyone has a GREAT Thanksgiving!!

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