On a happier note, we are getting sealed on the 13th of February and we are beyond excited! Now, all of my dreams will be completed! I can die a happy woman! I cannot wait to see what ETERNITY has to bring! I could go on and on but I will refrain. I know that gushy stuff gets old and makes you readers want to barf (at least it makes me want to when I see other's) so for you I will just say... Life is good!
Update on Hadleigh:
We went to the doctor on Thursday and her results are: 17.7 lbs
26 in long
She got 2 shots and she is good now for 6 months. Then she has to get more. She is such a big girl now. She is getting up on her knees and trying to crawl. In fact she gets so mad that she can't that she will cry until I pick her up, console her and put her back down. I love that little monkey- even when my head is pounding!
Update on Jordon:
School is going ok. First big test tomorrow... I hope he studied at work!
He has been called to be Second Counselor in the Elders Quorum. We are thankful that we are faithful members that can hold callings! While he was getting set apart there was one blessing that stood out to me and hasn't left my mind. -You and your family will see the blessings. Your extended family will also and by your example you will help to strengthen their testimonies- that is pretty much what he said to paraphrase it. It brought such peace to my heart when he said that. I know that was our Father in Heaven answering Jordon's prayers. I am so thankful for the gospel in our lives. I am so thankful for Jordon's unwavering faith. I am thankful for the blessings that we have seen so far and look forward to more in the future!!