WE MADE IT! The 3 of us were sealed for time and all eternity in the Twin Falls LDS Temple on Saturday at 1 p.m. It was amazing. Just writing this makes my heart happy and my eyes swell with tears, happy tears that is! I have been waiting for this my whole life. I never thought that I would have to wait a year after marrying my prince but I did and now we are 100% complete. It has been a trying road that has been full of
possible detours, which we did avoid! There aren't enough words in the english dictionary to describe the feeling that I felt sitting in that room looking at my ETERNAL companion. When Hadleigh was then brought in and was sealed to us... made my dreams come true. (After we went to eat at Johnny Carino's!)

It felt like the last weight was lifted off of our shoulders. A calm swept over me and I just knew that this is where we were meant to be. I feel complete and whole and like NOTHING can ever break us. Our bond is solid. I feel as those we can do anything now.
Valeigha took pictures of us in front of the Temple that I am hoping to get soon and post. She is an angel! I am so blessed to have her in my family! Thanks Valeigha!
I am so blessed to have my family, both immediate and extended and in-law. I know because of their prayers and examples we were able to make to the Temple so easily.
Eating bread at Johnny Carino's