I do NOT have an idea where to even start to catch people up on our lives! AAHHHH!
Miss Princess is starting to stand on her own and climb through every place she can. She will crawl through the chair legs, in-between the couch and the wall and around/in the hutch.

She stood by herself ALOT at a surprise party for Jackie but I didn't snap any pictures. She likes to show off for her dad and other people so she pulled out the tricks that night! What a show off we have on our hands!
Jordon and I went on some really fun dates lately. We went to the Rodeo with Kenneth and Britt. It was my first time as well as Britt's going to the DNCFR! We had a blast.

We went to a Murder Mystery Dinner which was right up my alley! Unfortunately, we didn't win. Dang it! But I did get to wear one of my new Easter shirts ( love the shirts babe)

Hadleigh Belle had been sick for about a week and a half with a stuffy/runny nose and cough. We are taking her in for 9 month on Tuesday. I hope she can get some real medicine for her cough!

We had a be-lated Easter dinner at my parents and we wore our new Easter clothes! Dinner was delicious! Thanks mom and dad!

The last 2 Saturdays we had a BBQ and that has been super fun! I am loving the warm weather we are having lately. Even Hadleigh wore a dress! Our lives have been filled with lots and lots of family filled fun. Yesterday Jordon and Jake worked on our yard and the day before they did Grandpa Bairds yard. Hadleigh didn't like the grass so much. I am so lucky to have my husband and funny daughter.

OH! I also wanted to add that I finally made some bows with my big sis Valeigha. I haven't finished them (all the way) so I will post more pictures later. I did finish one for a dress Hadleigh got for Christmas and again for Easter. I will also post pictures of another craft project I am working on.. but it's a surprise!

All in all- Another great week!
P.S. Happy Birthday Kai! My baby brother is 14!!