Alright, so the last few days of things that I am thankful for.
19. Electricity so that we can see in the dark and not have to try to light a candle.
20. Telephones!! I love having a home line and cell phones that way we can almost always find the people that we are looking for.
21. Facebook.. I know I know, lame! But am grateful for it because it allows me to share with family far away instantly, constantly and it lets me have a social outlet. Some days that is what I need!!
22. Shoes that keep my feet warm, scarves that keep my neck warm, gloves that keep my hands warm and winter coats that fit and keep my body warm. Many people do NOT have these and I feel like they are basically one thing together and I am very thankful that I have them all.
23. Indoor plumbing that allows me to do my bus-nass (thanks luda) when I need to in a more clean way than previous century's have.
24. My computer that has the Internet that I can blog and blog stalk.
25. All of you that take time to read my blog and help me feel like I matter!
Thank you all so much and I hope that you had a wondrous Thanksgiving!
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