Tuesday, March 19, 2013

White as snowflakes.....

That's what the Dental Hygienist said to Little Miss. We went in for our first Dental Appointment, me in 2 years and Sassy Pants first!! We know that we were behind on getting her to the dentist but we just haven't had the money to get in.  I was nervous since it would be her first time and we were going to be going at the same time.  I took her portable DVD player, Rise of the Guardians , her White blanket and a cup of milk.  I plugged her movie in the next cleaning room while I got x-rays and let her take her white.  As soon as we got in there she was kinda quiet when the Hygienist started talking to her.  But as soon as I left she started talking up a storm! She stayed in there the whole time!  She even let the DH brush her teeth, do a complete exam, cleaning and a full set of x-rays!! She had no cavities and her teeth are a perfect shade of white!  She has lots of space for more teeth to come in too! I am so proud of her!  Now I'm not as nervous for her to start Pre-school.  She even got to wear these cool shades while she played with "Mr. Sucky" the sucker thingy after they rinse your mouth with water.  The light they use to look in your mouth is unfiltered so they have you wear glasses.

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