We are ready for Christmas here at our house! Today, at Valeigha's we made candy for us and to give away to neighbors, friends, ect. Then, right before we left Val and I made the girls the CUTEST red, green and white skirts!! I am so happy with how it turned out. I just gotta make a bow for her to match and then Hadleigh and I are making waterless snow globes!! I am excited for us to do crafts this week getting ready for Christmas.
Now, I just have to make sure that we get healthy so we can enjoy our holiday!! I will post pictures soon!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
It's my birthday!! Here are some treats for you!
I am feeling old. Not physically, and not really mentally, but realizing I am half way to 50 makes me feel old. I hope you can understand what I'm trying to say. I decided that since this is a milestone in my life and I've been reflecting the last week on my life I should share some secrets with you. I will share 25 to be exact. And I hope that you will all still be my friends afterwards!
- When I was 8 or 9 I stole sunglasses from a store. I forgot and 3 months later when we pulled out my school clothes we found then tucked in the pockets. My mom took me to the store, returned them, had the manager scare the living BLEEP out of me and I had to "work" off the price for 2 days at the store. Never stole again!
- When I was in 4th grade I had my first "boyfriend". It lasted 2 weeks. But I still have the love notes from Derek Joe. Memories.
- Also, when I was in 4th grade the WNBA was started and I wanted to become a professional ball player. My mom told me I wouldn't make it cuz I was/am so short.
- I started going to basketball camps when I was 5. And I had a crush on almost all the male "coaches" I had until I started going to all girl camps at age 12.
- I wanted to be a supermodel but never told anyone.... until now.
- I started dating my husband for his 8 pack and huge biceps. Luckily, I fell in love with more than just his looks. Shallow, I know, but who doesn't want a guy with an awesome body?
- I have only had 5 career "dreams" my whole life... a lawyer until I was 14, then an E.R. doctor until I was 16, a cop just so I could shoot people until I was 20, a pro basketball player until I was 17 and a massage therapist. Not a big dreamer I guess.
- I didn't think I would get married until I was 25. Or have kids until I was 28. I'm happy that didn't work out. Love both my husband and daughter more than life.
- I still question if placing Sammy for adoption was the right decision every once in a while. My mind has never wavered, but sometimes my heart does. Then I see him with his family and am reassured it was what my Heavenly Father wanted.
- My shoe collection is no where near my sisters, and I'm jealous of her.
- I hate cooking and I'm not really that good at it but I love watching the cooking channel, Rachael Ray, Martha Stewart and The Chew.
- I have a love/hate relationship with food. Some days I eat, some days I don't and others I eat cuz I'm bored. Really bad habits I pray don't rub off on Hadleigh.
- When I watch CSI or Bones or another show like that I think of how I would kill someone if I was going to and how I would do it so I wouldn't get caught. Kinda creepy, but I haven't had anyone in mind when thinking about it. You're all safe!
- I think that I am way tougher than I really am.... probably. I haven't been in a fight since 9th grade when a kid was making fun of my brother so who knows if I can still scrap like a warrior. I think I can. I would fight dirty.
- I get irritated by people that always gush on Facebook about how great their life is, how horrible their life is, or update their status like 5 times a day. Bleh... kill me now.
- This list is a lot harder than I thought it would be.
- I wish that someone would throw me a surprise party. Only one I've ever had was for my 16th and my friends and family did a great job pulling it off!! I cried cuz I was so happy. And I remember every minute of it to this day.
- I was grounded on my 16th birthday because I stayed out too late the weekend before. But my parents did let me go for a drive with my Highland guy friends that night. We went water ballooning.
- I hate change. I get attached to things too easily, ie: our apartment, my house is ALB, my old bed, my ward from when I lived at home..... I don't handle change very well.
- I don't like making plans BUT I hate not having a schedule. I want someone to make a schedule for me that I can follow. But I also don't like being told what to do.
- I want to go back to school to become a cosmetologist and then open my own spa. Owner, stylist, and therapist all in one.... so fun!
- I never wanted siblings when I was little. And rarely I still wish I was an only child. My life would be so boring though without my 2 little "bothers" and sister.
- I love to throw parties. I love to go to parties. I want to go to a New Years party like the ones you have to get all dressed up for that are in the movies. One day I will!!
- I have all my "love letters" ever given to me from 4th grade up to today. I like to read them on sad days so that I can laugh at how funny boys are. They cheer me up.
- I have an uncanny ability to guess what women are having when they are pregnant. Did it to both my co-workers at Wells Fargo, 2 girls in our old ward and my sister-in-law. It's like I feel the aura around them or something. And I can't do it to strangers or people I don't see on a regular basis. I guess you could say the last 5 were just luck!
There you go people. 25 things about yours truly. I hope I didn't freak too many of you out. And I hope that it helps you to get to know me better so that we can be closer! Happy Holidays and a Happy Birthday to me!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Fa la la la la, la la, la la
We took our friends the "Pigrums" and "Dindiands" down 2 days ago and put up our Christmas decorations! Jordon left yesterday to go to a business conference in San Diego and I was going to surprise him with the house being all decorated but since he was here, i put him to work watching Hadleigh so I could get the stuff up quick. I have some ginormous red, green and gold balls to hang up outside before he gets home to surprise him still tho. That's my "to do" today. And maybe some laundry if i get to it. It's my birthday week so I'm taking it easy. Lame? No way. Lazy? A little. Fun? EXTREMELY. Who doesn't want to shop, craft, decorate, watch Princess movies and eat peppermint flavored anything for a week? I am one lucky girl that my husband has agreed to do birthday weeks. This year he didn't get one. Instead, we spent $500 on setting me up to be one of his business partners for our ACN home business. That was way way way more than all the things I would have bought for him. Good trade? I think so!
Anyways, for my birthday week presents I got some way good stuff. I am so spoiled I can't lie!
My 1st present I got some cozy, warm, water proof, snow boots! They are so stylish and perfect
My 2nd present I got to go to Blackfoot and craft all day WITHOUT Hads, so I got it done!! I got the cutest wood sled from my MIL to paint and make my own and I love it! It was so fun!
My 3rd present was the cutest pair of heels from "Leighla" I am really liking leopard/cheeta print and she had shoes that she only wore once and wasn't going to wear again so she gave them to me! Now, if you know me, I thrive on hand-me-downs. I love to give them and love to get them!
Anyways, for my birthday week presents I got some way good stuff. I am so spoiled I can't lie!
My 1st present I got some cozy, warm, water proof, snow boots! They are so stylish and perfect
My 2nd present I got to go to Blackfoot and craft all day WITHOUT Hads, so I got it done!! I got the cutest wood sled from my MIL to paint and make my own and I love it! It was so fun!
My 3rd present was the cutest pair of heels from "Leighla" I am really liking leopard/cheeta print and she had shoes that she only wore once and wasn't going to wear again so she gave them to me! Now, if you know me, I thrive on hand-me-downs. I love to give them and love to get them!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
We give thanks this day...
Alright, so the last few days of things that I am thankful for.
19. Electricity so that we can see in the dark and not have to try to light a candle.
20. Telephones!! I love having a home line and cell phones that way we can almost always find the people that we are looking for.
21. Facebook.. I know I know, lame! But am grateful for it because it allows me to share with family far away instantly, constantly and it lets me have a social outlet. Some days that is what I need!!
22. Shoes that keep my feet warm, scarves that keep my neck warm, gloves that keep my hands warm and winter coats that fit and keep my body warm. Many people do NOT have these and I feel like they are basically one thing together and I am very thankful that I have them all.
23. Indoor plumbing that allows me to do my bus-nass (thanks luda) when I need to in a more clean way than previous century's have.
24. My computer that has the Internet that I can blog and blog stalk.
25. All of you that take time to read my blog and help me feel like I matter!
Thank you all so much and I hope that you had a wondrous Thanksgiving!
19. Electricity so that we can see in the dark and not have to try to light a candle.
20. Telephones!! I love having a home line and cell phones that way we can almost always find the people that we are looking for.
21. Facebook.. I know I know, lame! But am grateful for it because it allows me to share with family far away instantly, constantly and it lets me have a social outlet. Some days that is what I need!!
22. Shoes that keep my feet warm, scarves that keep my neck warm, gloves that keep my hands warm and winter coats that fit and keep my body warm. Many people do NOT have these and I feel like they are basically one thing together and I am very thankful that I have them all.
23. Indoor plumbing that allows me to do my bus-nass (thanks luda) when I need to in a more clean way than previous century's have.
24. My computer that has the Internet that I can blog and blog stalk.
25. All of you that take time to read my blog and help me feel like I matter!
Thank you all so much and I hope that you had a wondrous Thanksgiving!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thankful still
Sorry this is late but I have been exhausted this week so during nap time/blog time I have been napping with Hadleigh.
8. I am thankful for my family. For the love and support that they show us, even though sometimes we have a roller coaster relationship at times.
9. I am thankful for my in-laws. Sometimes I feel closer to my mother-in-law than I do my mom so it is nice to feel like you have a mom no matter what.
10. I am thankful for my sister. She has become a great friend and person that I can count on no matter what. She is amazing and I am really lucky to have her.
11. I am thankful for the sisters that I have gained through marriage. Even though we may fight, argue, and disagree at times I know that if Hadleigh needed something or Jordon needed something they would be there for them.
12. I am especially thankful for Valeigha. She is an excellent example on how to be patient and loving and tolerant. She is a great cook and has a really strong testimony. I sometimes struggle with my testimony but she has shown me how to stay strong. And Hadleigh loves her more than me (I think) sometimes.
13. I am thankful for our President. I realize lots of you don't like President Obama but I think he is doing the best he can. I think he is a great person and sometimes people make mistakes. I know that I would NOT want to switch him places....ever!
14. I am thankful for my grandparents. We have gone down to Utah 2 weekends in a row and they put us up. They make great dinners and breakfasts. And they take us out to dinner. They are so generous with time and money and I hope that they know how much we love them.
15. I am thankful for Jordon's grandparents. They are so fun!! And they too put us up when we go down to St. George. They are also great examples of generosity.
16. I am thankful for showers. I love hot, long showers. I love to feel clean. I love that we live in a time where all you have to do is strip down and turn a nob and there it is, a nice hot shower.
17. I am thankful for our T.V., cable and movies. We watch way too much my girl and me but I love it. We get to snuggle and talk and laugh... and fall asleep.
18. I am thankful for our couches. They play host as couch, recliner, trampoline, bed and many other things. They are so comfy.
9. I am thankful for my in-laws. Sometimes I feel closer to my mother-in-law than I do my mom so it is nice to feel like you have a mom no matter what.
10. I am thankful for my sister. She has become a great friend and person that I can count on no matter what. She is amazing and I am really lucky to have her.
11. I am thankful for the sisters that I have gained through marriage. Even though we may fight, argue, and disagree at times I know that if Hadleigh needed something or Jordon needed something they would be there for them.
12. I am especially thankful for Valeigha. She is an excellent example on how to be patient and loving and tolerant. She is a great cook and has a really strong testimony. I sometimes struggle with my testimony but she has shown me how to stay strong. And Hadleigh loves her more than me (I think) sometimes.
13. I am thankful for our President. I realize lots of you don't like President Obama but I think he is doing the best he can. I think he is a great person and sometimes people make mistakes. I know that I would NOT want to switch him places....ever!
14. I am thankful for my grandparents. We have gone down to Utah 2 weekends in a row and they put us up. They make great dinners and breakfasts. And they take us out to dinner. They are so generous with time and money and I hope that they know how much we love them.
15. I am thankful for Jordon's grandparents. They are so fun!! And they too put us up when we go down to St. George. They are also great examples of generosity.
16. I am thankful for showers. I love hot, long showers. I love to feel clean. I love that we live in a time where all you have to do is strip down and turn a nob and there it is, a nice hot shower.
17. I am thankful for our T.V., cable and movies. We watch way too much my girl and me but I love it. We get to snuggle and talk and laugh... and fall asleep.
18. I am thankful for our couches. They play host as couch, recliner, trampoline, bed and many other things. They are so comfy.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Thankful week by week..
Since it is November and I have lots to be grateful for I decided not to bore people on Facebook with my everyday thoughts on this but instead update it week by week on here. Then I will actually blog more... and not just sit on facebook all the time.
The first 7 things are:
Happy early birthday to Jordon!! You are going to be half a century on Saturday and I am happy that I get to spend it with you... at Disney on Ice... for Hadleigh. You are great!
The first 7 things are:
- Jordon's job(s)-that he has one and that he makes enough to provide for us sometimes more than we need so we get some of our wants!
- Our house- that it provides shelter and warmth and safety to all 5 of us.
- Hadleigh Belle- that she is constantly teaching me things, mostly patience, but how to love unconditionally and to have faith.
- Our dogs- that they love our sometimes crazy daughter, letting her chase them, hold them, lay on them and pull them around. They bring such happiness to all our lives.
- Our cars- that we have 2 nice cars that run well with no problems, that they keep us safe while driving, warm in the winter and cool in the summer and that the Outlander fits 3 toddler car seats at one time so I can babysit for some extra cash.
- Our laundry machines- on perm-a-loan from Jake, that it holds lots of dirty clothes and makes them clean and dry so we don't have dirt clothes.
- Our furnace- that it runs so well and keeps us "warmy-warmy" when it is so cold outside, and doesn't make us super broke at bill time.
Happy early birthday to Jordon!! You are going to be half a century on Saturday and I am happy that I get to spend it with you... at Disney on Ice... for Hadleigh. You are great!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Forever and Ever
Sunday, October 23, 2011
The big 5!
Little Sammy turned 5!
I can not believe that it's been 5 years since I held that little blue bundle in my arms and kissed his little hands and cheeks. I can not believe that tomorrow it will be 5 years from the day that I gave my son the best life he could have had. I placed him in the arms of his forever family. I did the Lords will and I have never regretted that choice.
Sam is turning into the smartest little cuddle bug. He is still soooo little! He is still in his car seat because he only weighs 32 lbs!! Can even imagine how teeny he is!?! I love him so much!
Hadleigh and I went to his birthday party Friday night... which was his real birthday. Alex always makes the best food. I wish I liked to cook and could cook like her. She is an amazing woman. I could only hope to be like her one day. We had yummy soups and breads. Then we had a football cake and Farr's Playdough ice cream.
He is really into Star Wars right now so I got him some gun from the first set that came out. I didn't know the character but Pono did so he said it was a good present. I like Star Wars but I'm not one to attend ComicCon. That is more of a thing that my brothers would do.
Here are some pictures I took with my phone. Our camera was dead. Dang it!
I can not believe that it's been 5 years since I held that little blue bundle in my arms and kissed his little hands and cheeks. I can not believe that tomorrow it will be 5 years from the day that I gave my son the best life he could have had. I placed him in the arms of his forever family. I did the Lords will and I have never regretted that choice.
Sam is turning into the smartest little cuddle bug. He is still soooo little! He is still in his car seat because he only weighs 32 lbs!! Can even imagine how teeny he is!?! I love him so much!
Hadleigh and I went to his birthday party Friday night... which was his real birthday. Alex always makes the best food. I wish I liked to cook and could cook like her. She is an amazing woman. I could only hope to be like her one day. We had yummy soups and breads. Then we had a football cake and Farr's Playdough ice cream.
He is really into Star Wars right now so I got him some gun from the first set that came out. I didn't know the character but Pono did so he said it was a good present. I like Star Wars but I'm not one to attend ComicCon. That is more of a thing that my brothers would do.
Here are some pictures I took with my phone. Our camera was dead. Dang it!

Monday, October 17, 2011
Time flys when you're a mommy and busy!
I can't believe how very fast this month is going! First we had General Conference and that was amazing. I had a little break down Friday night so the spiritual uplifting was especially for me. I can't even tell you which was the best talk because they all were! We went over to my parents for a day of grazing and hearing the Prophets speak. It was so fun to have all 3 of my kiddies with me cuddling.
Then we had a busy week of babysitting, overtime, school and we managed to get a date in there. Jordon is so great with working lots of overtime for us. He is such a hard worker and I know that he gets that from his amazing father. I did get to go to Idaho Falls with Venus and Hadleigh. It was fun to spend time with my mother-in-law. I am lucky to be close to her. Sometimes I am even closer with her than with my own mother.
This past week Jordon worked 5 nights in a row.... which is a lot! Imagine your husband working from 6:45 pm to 9:30 am 5 nights in a row. It was crazy!! I missed him a lot and so did Hadleigh. She would ask for her Dada all day and when he would get up she just wanted to climb all over him and cuddle him and Jordon did a pretty good job with it.
We went down to Utah to go to a business conference for Jordon's other job. He is doing a thing called ACN and it is really a great opportunity for us. We stayed at Skyler and Natalie's Friday night and it was super fun! We went to Zupas for dinner and then rented a scary movie. The movie was scary but ended horrible! EVERYONE... I mean everyone died!! Well, they were killed but still. Horrible, horrible ending. Saturday was filled with ACN training and we ended our trip with some Tsunami Sushi!!! Yum yum!
Yesterday I taught my Young Women's class. It was a hard lesson but the girls did great participating. I struggle with getting up so early to go to church but when I think about the girls and my baby and my eternal glory it makes it a lot easier. Now I just have to figure out how to get this 2 day headache to go away!
Have a boo-tiful week!!
Hadleigh and Tayson playing on the frog.

Conference Sunday.... break time football!
Conference Cuddles!

Then we had a busy week of babysitting, overtime, school and we managed to get a date in there. Jordon is so great with working lots of overtime for us. He is such a hard worker and I know that he gets that from his amazing father. I did get to go to Idaho Falls with Venus and Hadleigh. It was fun to spend time with my mother-in-law. I am lucky to be close to her. Sometimes I am even closer with her than with my own mother.
This past week Jordon worked 5 nights in a row.... which is a lot! Imagine your husband working from 6:45 pm to 9:30 am 5 nights in a row. It was crazy!! I missed him a lot and so did Hadleigh. She would ask for her Dada all day and when he would get up she just wanted to climb all over him and cuddle him and Jordon did a pretty good job with it.
We went down to Utah to go to a business conference for Jordon's other job. He is doing a thing called ACN and it is really a great opportunity for us. We stayed at Skyler and Natalie's Friday night and it was super fun! We went to Zupas for dinner and then rented a scary movie. The movie was scary but ended horrible! EVERYONE... I mean everyone died!! Well, they were killed but still. Horrible, horrible ending. Saturday was filled with ACN training and we ended our trip with some Tsunami Sushi!!! Yum yum!
Yesterday I taught my Young Women's class. It was a hard lesson but the girls did great participating. I struggle with getting up so early to go to church but when I think about the girls and my baby and my eternal glory it makes it a lot easier. Now I just have to figure out how to get this 2 day headache to go away!
Have a boo-tiful week!!
Hadleigh and Tayson playing on the frog.

Conference Sunday.... break time football!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011
When September ends....
OK... Well September came and went. Short run down of last month... Fair, baby sitting boys (tues/thurs), giving massages, fair, Hinder concert, teach lesson in YW (I'm the secretary) Hadleigh 2 yr pictures, Mannix Birthday/party, hair cut, brothers football games (lots), ISU games, Jewelry party, FAMILY PICTURES, dog hair cuts..... What a busy busy month!!
Enjoy (backward order) pictures!!

Enjoy (backward order) pictures!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
St George to the Geezy....
Oh goodness! Its been a while! So from August 18th to the 24th I was gone to Utah visiting family. First, I stopped in Provo and visited my Grandma and Grandpa White and my uncles that live with them. We had fun going to dinner and playing outside. I am lucky enough to be really close with my grandparents so seeing them is always really fun (Hads loves to visit out-of-town family). We stayed the night and then Friday afternoon we met up with Jeff and Venus and went down to St. George.
We got there Friday night and had dinner and then went to bed kinda early. I was tired from sitting in a car....weird how that happens. The Maugers came later that night and when we all got up in the morning there was excitement!!! Saturday we went to the pool that is in the complex where Grandma Carol and Jerry live. Later that day we went shopping at the outlets! I had been looking forward to this because I wanted to stock up on summer clothes for next year. I did this last year and saved a butt load. So what if Hadleigh's summer clothes are last season. I'm sure she will get some new ones to throw in the mix. Plus- she looks cute in ANYTHING!
Sunday we went swimming and napped. Oh man was this so nice! We went and visited Grandpa Lewis. He has gotten a little worse since the last time I blogged about him back in April (???) He looked tired and I could tell that he wasn't 100% but he still managed to get up and go snail hunting with the "Greats". I videoed it but with my new(er) phone I don't know how to upload it. It's pretty cute. Jordon and I are planning on using our grandfathers names with our next child. For a girl we are thinkin of using "Lou" if it's a girl and Lewis for a boy. My g-pa's name is Clayton M. so I am thinkin we will use either the initial C or Clay. Maybe Lou-C? Is that a weird middle name?
Monday we went shopping again and Valeigha and I had some girl time. It was nice. It was very needed. As much as I love Hadleigh I need time away from her. My patience level is tested to the MAX every day! We went to this courtyard and let the kids swim. Hadleigh loved it so much. She is a mermaid like her mommy. We went to dinner at the Chuck-Wagon with all the grandparents and it was delish! Monday night Ladd, Valeigha and I went to Mesquite for some grown up time. I had never gambled before so this was a new experience. I only used 20 and I was up to $120 and then lost it all!!! I was done for the night. Ladd and Val did great tho! We were out til 4 am!!! Never EVER in my life have I been out that late. Not High School, not College and definately not since having Hads!!!
Tuesday we headed home. Well, Hadleigh and I stopped in Provo again to stay the night one more time. We got there early enough that Hads and I got to go with G-ma and G-pa White to see their horse Amber!!! Hadleigh got to feed her oats, brush her, sit on her and even go for a little ride!! She loves horses and I think this made the whole trip!!!
Wednesday Hadleigh and I made the 3 hour drive home. We came home to a new master bedroom!! Jordon had re-done it, to my knowledge, while we were gone. Jake came over and helped him hand texture the whole thing which we are very grateful for. I love the colors we picked out. I came home to a tornado of a mess but to a beautiful new room! No more wood paneling!!!
It was a great trip! I can't wait to do it again! The pictures are backwards... oops!

We got there Friday night and had dinner and then went to bed kinda early. I was tired from sitting in a car....weird how that happens. The Maugers came later that night and when we all got up in the morning there was excitement!!! Saturday we went to the pool that is in the complex where Grandma Carol and Jerry live. Later that day we went shopping at the outlets! I had been looking forward to this because I wanted to stock up on summer clothes for next year. I did this last year and saved a butt load. So what if Hadleigh's summer clothes are last season. I'm sure she will get some new ones to throw in the mix. Plus- she looks cute in ANYTHING!
Sunday we went swimming and napped. Oh man was this so nice! We went and visited Grandpa Lewis. He has gotten a little worse since the last time I blogged about him back in April (???) He looked tired and I could tell that he wasn't 100% but he still managed to get up and go snail hunting with the "Greats". I videoed it but with my new(er) phone I don't know how to upload it. It's pretty cute. Jordon and I are planning on using our grandfathers names with our next child. For a girl we are thinkin of using "Lou" if it's a girl and Lewis for a boy. My g-pa's name is Clayton M. so I am thinkin we will use either the initial C or Clay. Maybe Lou-C? Is that a weird middle name?
Monday we went shopping again and Valeigha and I had some girl time. It was nice. It was very needed. As much as I love Hadleigh I need time away from her. My patience level is tested to the MAX every day! We went to this courtyard and let the kids swim. Hadleigh loved it so much. She is a mermaid like her mommy. We went to dinner at the Chuck-Wagon with all the grandparents and it was delish! Monday night Ladd, Valeigha and I went to Mesquite for some grown up time. I had never gambled before so this was a new experience. I only used 20 and I was up to $120 and then lost it all!!! I was done for the night. Ladd and Val did great tho! We were out til 4 am!!! Never EVER in my life have I been out that late. Not High School, not College and definately not since having Hads!!!
Tuesday we headed home. Well, Hadleigh and I stopped in Provo again to stay the night one more time. We got there early enough that Hads and I got to go with G-ma and G-pa White to see their horse Amber!!! Hadleigh got to feed her oats, brush her, sit on her and even go for a little ride!! She loves horses and I think this made the whole trip!!!
Wednesday Hadleigh and I made the 3 hour drive home. We came home to a new master bedroom!! Jordon had re-done it, to my knowledge, while we were gone. Jake came over and helped him hand texture the whole thing which we are very grateful for. I love the colors we picked out. I came home to a tornado of a mess but to a beautiful new room! No more wood paneling!!!
It was a great trip! I can't wait to do it again! The pictures are backwards... oops!

Monday, August 29, 2011
The rest of July and beginning of August..
Well we went to the Zoo to see the "aminulls" with Uncle Jake. She especially loved the penguins and mumbles at the beginning of the Tauphaus Zoo. We also went to the park with the Maugers. We love our trips up to Blackfoot to see our cousins. I try to make it up there when I know that Valeigha is watching Mannix so that Hads can play with him and I can love on him. Spencer and Jackie have almost the complete opposite schedule of us so seeing them is nearly impossible but we try to see Mannix as much as possible. Here are the last couple of pictures that I have of the fading summer.
Hadleigh all worn out after the Zoo.
She loves the baby slides finally!!!

Hadleigh all worn out after the Zoo.

She loves the baby slides finally!!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
My baby is a BIG GIRL!!
Hadleigh Belle turned 2 on July 25!! I can't believe it! She is just not a baby anymore. It makes me so super sad but grateful that she is growing as she should. We had her party on the 23 since her real birthday was a Monday and every one had to work. She is in love with the movie Beauty and the Beast so that was our theme. I was going to do animals and had some way cute candles BUT she wanted to see the beast at her birthday party. And when I went to get some things for her room at Zuchers Party Store I saw the best thing ever.... a 6 foot tall Beauty and the Beast cardboard cut-out!!! I just knew that, that was ment to be at our house! And to make it even better it was only $20 bucks!! I made her a crown cake all by myself which I was really proud of. We just had family over and then one friend who has a son who is also obsessed with B&B. He loves Belle-Hads loves Beast.... I think we should have these two marry in about 20 years!!
Here are some pictures from the party. I can't believe that she is already 2. I miss my baby but I am so happy to have my little copy-cat.
Here are some pictures from the party. I can't believe that she is already 2. I miss my baby but I am so happy to have my little copy-cat.

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