This morning Hadleigh got up at like the crack of dawn so what did I do after the little princess brought me a diaper and we changed her bum-bum? I turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and headed back to bed to snuggle with my hubby. Hadleigh came back in about an hour later and turned on our touch lamp to wake us. After a mooch or two from little one we finally got up. When I walked out I saw paper ripped up all over and sighed. I asked Hadleigh to pick it up and hand it to me so I could throw it away. I told her " Sis, you can't rip stuff up honey or you will just have to lay in your bed until mommy and daddy get up." She replies, " Ok. I sorry Mommy!!" I tell her not to rip up her books. Two minutes later she comes into the bathroom while we are brushing our teeth and says, " I sorry Mommy, but I not understand what you sayin... soo..." and walks away!!
I have no idea where she comes up with this stuff but I love her and her sassy self!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Tiddles, Toodles
My delicious honey bunny Hadleigh has been saying the cutest things
She has the best imagination and the funniest vocabulary.
She is also very bossy and has great facial expressions.
Today driving from church to Gramma Whites she was askin why she had to
wear her seat belt. I told her so that she was safe and didn't die.
She then says " Dad goyin to die. He dyin."
She said that over and over and it was so funny.
On the way passing Franklin Jr. she looks at me " Let me tall ya sumtin. Let me tell ya sumtin."
I giggled a little and she glared at me. It was very cute!
" The bad guy is over there in da tree! He was scared in the tree.
And he was outside in his jacket. He was burrin (cold). He went home to him daughter.
And he came out and he's scared of me!! I scare him. Hahaha!"
Later when I was teasing J. she said " Don't hit my dada. He's my friend."
" Mommy, you hear me? Don't hit my dada. He is MMMYY FRIEND!"
Tonight during the All-Star game I was cheering for Blake Griffin.
I told her to say Gggooo Griffin! And she says " GGGOOO Giffisss!"
Just 2 minutes ago she came and looked at the game and says"Go De-Dawsons!"
She loves her some back-a-ball!
What a good girl!
Here's some old but lovely pictures of her from the past year!
She has the best imagination and the funniest vocabulary.
She is also very bossy and has great facial expressions.
Today driving from church to Gramma Whites she was askin why she had to
wear her seat belt. I told her so that she was safe and didn't die.
She then says " Dad goyin to die. He dyin."
She said that over and over and it was so funny.
On the way passing Franklin Jr. she looks at me " Let me tall ya sumtin. Let me tell ya sumtin."
I giggled a little and she glared at me. It was very cute!
" The bad guy is over there in da tree! He was scared in the tree.
And he was outside in his jacket. He was burrin (cold). He went home to him daughter.
And he came out and he's scared of me!! I scare him. Hahaha!"
Later when I was teasing J. she said " Don't hit my dada. He's my friend."
" Mommy, you hear me? Don't hit my dada. He is MMMYY FRIEND!"
Tonight during the All-Star game I was cheering for Blake Griffin.
I told her to say Gggooo Griffin! And she says " GGGOOO Giffisss!"
Just 2 minutes ago she came and looked at the game and says"Go De-Dawsons!"
She loves her some back-a-ball!
What a good girl!
Here's some old but lovely pictures of her from the past year!

My aunt got 12 tickets to go to the last BYU home game on Saturday and she gave my dad half. He invited Jordon, Hadleigh and I to go and we said yes! Jordon was scheduled to work until he got his day shift job. With the training that he has going on he had the weekend off. It was a nice surprise to have him come with us. We went down Friday and got back today at about 6 pm. While we were down we were able to go shopping!! I love Provo and I love the stores and I love that I have family sprinkled down there! My father was nice enough to drive us around to different shoes stores to find Jordon some nice everyday shoes while I looked for some new work out shoes and "Doc" like shoes. We spent about 4 hours shopping. By the time we finally made it to the Provo Towne Mall Kai, my dad and Hadleigh were worn out. My dad took Hadleigh to play while the 3 of us "big kids" went out to find shoes. The last store we got to Jordon FINALLY found white Nikes that he wanted. Thank goodness they had his size. After the game we stopped back at the 2nd store we saw and got my shoes. It was a long day of shoe shopping/ car riding.
While we shopped my dad took Hadleigh on a train they had at the mall. It was so cute! It took the kids around the bottom of the mall and honked it horn. It was adorable and Hads LOVES trains! Then my dad took her up by the food court and they rode on the Merry-Go-Round.... 3 times! He is such a good dad and a great Papa! He holds a special place in Hadleigh's heart.
While we shopped my dad took Hadleigh on a train they had at the mall. It was so cute! It took the kids around the bottom of the mall and honked it horn. It was adorable and Hads LOVES trains! Then my dad took her up by the food court and they rode on the Merry-Go-Round.... 3 times! He is such a good dad and a great Papa! He holds a special place in Hadleigh's heart.
The game was super fun!! Hads stayed with Gamma White.
We got our shirts for cheap at Wallys.
I got mine at the game for 10 bucks. Kids Lg, great steal!
The crowd there is CRAY-ZAY!! Holy cow! So loud!
But they are fun to listen to every now and again.
I would hate going to every game but for my first cougar game it was great.
It was senior night, but they only have 2 seniors.
Hartsock was hurt so only Iuma played.
Guess who made an appearance for the senior cheerleaders.....
James "JIMMER" Freddette!!

That's right! He was sweet to come and miss the All-Star dunk contest!
He came to spotlight the cheer team and his sweet fiance!
He is more attractive in person but his voice is much higher than I thought.
I dunno.
Maybe he was nervous.
BYU won and we got to see Jimmer.
Great Saturday spent down in Provo.
We got our shirts for cheap at Wallys.
I got mine at the game for 10 bucks. Kids Lg, great steal!
The crowd there is CRAY-ZAY!! Holy cow! So loud!
But they are fun to listen to every now and again.
I would hate going to every game but for my first cougar game it was great.
It was senior night, but they only have 2 seniors.
Hartsock was hurt so only Iuma played.
Guess who made an appearance for the senior cheerleaders.....
James "JIMMER" Freddette!!

That's right! He was sweet to come and miss the All-Star dunk contest!
He came to spotlight the cheer team and his sweet fiance!
He is more attractive in person but his voice is much higher than I thought.
I dunno.
Maybe he was nervous.
BYU won and we got to see Jimmer.
Great Saturday spent down in Provo.
Lots of new things happening!
There are so many new things happening here and I need to post more often! I am so sorry!
First, Although I'm not Catholic I have decided to participate in Lent.
For 40 days you give up something. It's like a long fast.
I am doing it for about 30. I know, not the same.
I gave up facebook, my cell, and email.
So far I am doing pretty good! No facebook checking. No email, but I do need to check it for some young women things from the stake. It counts as not using it if I only check it for church things right? I think so. I need to fulfill my calling. I have used my cell this past weekend. I wish that I hadn't but I did. I had to find a babysitter for our boys while we were out of town. I had to tell my dad that his car doors were open. I had to check to see where our house key was so that we could get in tonight. But I haven't played any games, or gotten on facebook or E!online. I am doing good at just cutting back to the basics. And I didn't watch any TV this weekend til now when we watched DVR House and the All-Star game.
My goal is to spend more quality time with my family, teach my boys some more tricks, teach Hadleigh more colors, shapes and letters, and focus more on my testimony. I want to get closer to those that I love. Take out as many distractions as I can to reach my goal.
For 40 days you give up something. It's like a long fast.
I am doing it for about 30. I know, not the same.
I gave up facebook, my cell, and email.
So far I am doing pretty good! No facebook checking. No email, but I do need to check it for some young women things from the stake. It counts as not using it if I only check it for church things right? I think so. I need to fulfill my calling. I have used my cell this past weekend. I wish that I hadn't but I did. I had to find a babysitter for our boys while we were out of town. I had to tell my dad that his car doors were open. I had to check to see where our house key was so that we could get in tonight. But I haven't played any games, or gotten on facebook or E!online. I am doing good at just cutting back to the basics. And I didn't watch any TV this weekend til now when we watched DVR House and the All-Star game.
My goal is to spend more quality time with my family, teach my boys some more tricks, teach Hadleigh more colors, shapes and letters, and focus more on my testimony. I want to get closer to those that I love. Take out as many distractions as I can to reach my goal.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Conversation going on right now:
"Say plwease..."
"Please can I have my watch?"
"Of cooouuurrrsssseeee!"
"Thank you"
"You welcome."
I love to hear my two loves talk. They are so funny. It makes my heart happy. It might be my heart condition, but I think my heart skips a beat when they are having fun together.
We had a great Valentine's Evening. We had mutual and Jordon had work til 9. Hadleigh and I got home at about 8:45 pm and started dinner. We had white cheese pasta, peas, crescent rolls and sparkling cider with purple ice hearts. And yes, we ate this all at 9:30PM. It was how we celebrated our love.
I did get these lovely flowers, a card and chocolates from my husband. He spoils me good.
I love Valentine's Day. Some say it's made up by stores to make you buy stuff BUT as you can see you don't have to spend lot's if any money. I made dinner. And that shows I love my forever partner. Valentines Day is a day to slow down and remember why you love who you love. It's a day to put some extra thought into whatever you and your love(s) are going to do.
Small and Simple. Large and Complicated. You choose. And cherish those moments forever.
"Say plwease..."
"Please can I have my watch?"
"Of cooouuurrrsssseeee!"
"Thank you"
"You welcome."
I love to hear my two loves talk. They are so funny. It makes my heart happy. It might be my heart condition, but I think my heart skips a beat when they are having fun together.
We had a great Valentine's Evening. We had mutual and Jordon had work til 9. Hadleigh and I got home at about 8:45 pm and started dinner. We had white cheese pasta, peas, crescent rolls and sparkling cider with purple ice hearts. And yes, we ate this all at 9:30PM. It was how we celebrated our love.
I did get these lovely flowers, a card and chocolates from my husband. He spoils me good.
I love Valentine's Day. Some say it's made up by stores to make you buy stuff BUT as you can see you don't have to spend lot's if any money. I made dinner. And that shows I love my forever partner. Valentines Day is a day to slow down and remember why you love who you love. It's a day to put some extra thought into whatever you and your love(s) are going to do.
Small and Simple. Large and Complicated. You choose. And cherish those moments forever.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
That is how many days I have been married.
1095 Days.
I can NOT even believe my last name has been Clark (hyphenated) for 3 years.
Every marriage/relationship has it's valleys and it's peaks. Ours does too. I am happy to say that ours has more plateaus than valleys. I falling more in love with my husband each day. I think that children also make you love your spouse more. I love him for giving me this crazy, diva, girly girl. I love to watch them play. I love to hear them talk. I love to see them together.
My husband has been such a hard worker for us. He provides for us physically, spiritually and emotionally. He is a great support system. When I'm angry he will listen to me vent. When I am sad he does his best to make me happy again. When I am happy he likes to laugh with me. He is for sure my best friend. We are growing together and I am so happy about that.
Thank you to my sweetheart for doing the very best that you do! All I need is you.(& Hadleigh)
Ohh there's something 'bout a man in black
Makes me wanna buy a Cadillac
Throw the top back and roll down to Jackson Town
I wanna be there on the stage with you,
You and I can be the next rage two
Hear the crowd roar, make them want more
and kick the footlights out
I wanna a love like Johnny and June
Rings of fire burnin' with you
I wanna walk the line, walk the line
till the end of time
I wanna love, love you that much
cash it all in, give it all up
and when your gone, I wanna go too
Like Johnny and June
I wanna hold you baby right or wrong
build a world around a country song
Pray a sweet Prayer, follow you there
Down in history
I wanna a love like Johnny and June
Rings of fire burnin' with you
I wanna walk the line, walk the line
till the end of time
I wanna love, love you that much
cash it all in, give it all up
and when your gone, I wanna go too
Like Johnny and June
Like Johnny and June
More than life itself, no one else
This endless promise
They don't make love like that anymore
is that too much to be askin for
I wanna a love like Johnny and June
Rings of fire burnin' with you
I wanna walk the line, walk the line
till the end of time
I wanna love, love you that much
cash it all in, give it all up
and when your gone, I wanna go too
Like Johnny and June
Like Johnny and June
They'll be no tears to cry
Only memories of our lives
They'll remember, remember
a love like that.
1095 Days.
I can NOT even believe my last name has been Clark (hyphenated) for 3 years.
Every marriage/relationship has it's valleys and it's peaks. Ours does too. I am happy to say that ours has more plateaus than valleys. I falling more in love with my husband each day. I think that children also make you love your spouse more. I love him for giving me this crazy, diva, girly girl. I love to watch them play. I love to hear them talk. I love to see them together.
My husband has been such a hard worker for us. He provides for us physically, spiritually and emotionally. He is a great support system. When I'm angry he will listen to me vent. When I am sad he does his best to make me happy again. When I am happy he likes to laugh with me. He is for sure my best friend. We are growing together and I am so happy about that.
Thank you to my sweetheart for doing the very best that you do! All I need is you.(& Hadleigh)
Ohh there's something 'bout a man in black
Makes me wanna buy a Cadillac
Throw the top back and roll down to Jackson Town
I wanna be there on the stage with you,
You and I can be the next rage two
Hear the crowd roar, make them want more
and kick the footlights out
I wanna a love like Johnny and June
Rings of fire burnin' with you
I wanna walk the line, walk the line
till the end of time
I wanna love, love you that much
cash it all in, give it all up
and when your gone, I wanna go too
Like Johnny and June
I wanna hold you baby right or wrong
build a world around a country song
Pray a sweet Prayer, follow you there
Down in history
I wanna a love like Johnny and June
Rings of fire burnin' with you
I wanna walk the line, walk the line
till the end of time
I wanna love, love you that much
cash it all in, give it all up
and when your gone, I wanna go too
Like Johnny and June
Like Johnny and June
More than life itself, no one else
This endless promise
They don't make love like that anymore
is that too much to be askin for
I wanna a love like Johnny and June
Rings of fire burnin' with you
I wanna walk the line, walk the line
till the end of time
I wanna love, love you that much
cash it all in, give it all up
and when your gone, I wanna go too
Like Johnny and June
Like Johnny and June
They'll be no tears to cry
Only memories of our lives
They'll remember, remember
a love like that.
Monday, February 6, 2012
I got my hair re-colored on Saturday. I love it! Jessica Reed Lopez did it for me. She does such a good job! AND she lets me trade services with her so it's even better! She colors my hair and I massage her. She was pregnant so I worked on some pressure points to help get her started. Guess what?! She had her baby on Sunday!!! I showed her the spots I was working on and told her to have her husband work on them every few hours. I have magical fingers. Anyone want a massage? Lets make a trade!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012
Brown never looked so good!!
Tonight my sister-in-law came over and we made Brown Sugar Body Scrub!!! It smelled good and we used all natural ingredients so if it's ingested it won't hurt!!! I hope that it works good. Now I just need to find about a dozen baby food jars/bottles/containers to make my valentines for Valentines Day!!!
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