Lately I have been feeling somewhat like this beautiful Princess, locked away from the world. With the not so fun weather and my little girl being sick there isn't a whole lot to do so we stay inside
ALL DAY!! Don't get me wrong, I like to be inside, especially if the weather is yucky,
BUT I also like to get out and take Hadleigh for walks. We used to walk around the mall and window shop. Hadleigh and I would sometimes walk around busy Wal Mart just so that we had a change of scenery. After taking care of Hadleigh, Jordon, laundry, household chores, meals and " house maintenance" I don't have much "Heather only" time. I feel lazy and fat and need to get out in warm weather! If only my hair was long enough to use as a rope to get out a little more.
This week, I did have the chance to get up to Blackfoot to hang out with my in-laws, so that was super nice! We did crafts and ate yummy pizza and talked. I love when I get to go do things like that! However back in Poky, with no friends with kids Hadleigh's age and only one car there is a limited amount of things that we can do. We are saving up money to buy a new car and we only have $2,000 dollars to go! We can save that up in about 4 months if we are really really good. I am hoping to sign Hadleigh up for a "Mommy and Me" swim classes as the summer gets closer so that will get us out more and give us both more exercise! Plus then Hadleigh will love the water just as much as I do!
Speaking of exercise, my goal for this month is to do 100 crunches a day. So far I have
NOT done any!! I am behind... and I hope that I can catch up. Next month my goal is to do 150 crunches a day and then in May my goal is going to be 200. I figure that at this rate I will
FINALLY be back to how I was in high school! I have lost all the baby weight PLUS some! I just need to trim and firm up.
Well I am sure that I have put you all to sleep with my ramblings about my life. I know that you are all here to read about cute Hadleigh Belle! UPDATE: Nani aka Hadleigh has started to scale! When I started writing this post she grabbed my pants and pulled herself up! She has done that too in her crib, as well as on the couch! Can you believe that she is already trying to walk! That crazy girl just wants to be grown up!

I love this girl. Even when she screams so loud that I get a headache! Hahaha.. the life of a mother. It is full of adventures!