Thursday, March 18, 2010

A pot of gold........ it's called a Hot Tub!!

There is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow! I found mine... do you want to see what else was in there?

Here is what I found in mine.. besides gold of course.....

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day by napping, eating Taquitos, and going up to Blackfoot to eat dinner with the Clarks! It was so fun to see them and hang out and laugh and eat! Venus always makes the best food... I think part of the goodness comes from love and the other part is the fact that I didn't have to make it! Valeigha and Ladd and the kids were fun too! I got to ask Mack all about Disney on Ice and especially hear all about Lightning McQueen! Mya gave me lots of kisses and i loved it! Jake was so fun too! Jeff even came home!! It was a great night. We did miss Spencer and his family but maybe next time.

Oh! I almost forgot! We also got into the Hot tub! Baby girl took a nap from about 2 til 5!! Jordon and I decided to hop in the tub and enjoy the peace and quiet... here are some pictures of the other love of our lives!

This is for Jordon.. I know that he would be mad if I only put pictures up of him.. Sorry for making you look at me!

I love my new swim suit! It is my first bikini and I love love love it! Soon I will get into shape so it looks better!


  1. Wow wow wow. you both look like movie stars with those bodies. I even think alot of them do not look that good. Yes Heather that means you too. Fantastic is all I can say. I love the new suit too. I am so happy you can enjoy each once in awhile..

  2. How fun! Jealous of your hot tub!!! What a great way to relax. Cute suit!

  3. Well.. Janessa... come over and visit and you and Scott can get in!! Double date night!

    Thanks Venus! We try to work out but we both have been slacking..


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