Today in Relief Society we had a great lesson about The Fall of Adam and Eve. Sis. Peterson did a great job BUT she did get me thinking. I was thinking about how Eve has been portrayed and if that image is correct. Many think that it was her fault that Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden. Through out my life I have gone back and forth with this opinion. Some days I agreed and most others I did not. Adam had his agency to choose to partake or not. He chose to bite that fruit. Today Shawnee said something great that I totally agree with- It was part of the plan for them to partake if the fruit and to become mortal. And then also it was said after sin there can be happiness and that the Atonement works for everyone.
I often think that I am not worthy of the Atonement. I don't think that I am better than everyone but I feel as though it's selfish of me to not be perfect. This lesson today helped me realize what a divine role both Eve and I hold. It helped me to remember just how much my Father in Heaven loves me. I needed that reassurance. I don't think that this lesson could have come at a more perfect time!
Sunday school was also amazing! I love our little class. Today's lesson was on the Roles of Fathers. I loved it! I wish that we had more that an hour in that class so we could talk more about the lesson. One quote that I love is from President Benson. He says to the husbands " you should be grateful that she is the mother of your children and the queen of your home, grateful that she has chosen homemaking and motherhood-to bear, to nourish, to love, and to train your children-as the noblest calling of all."
Sunday school was exactly what I needed too. I don't feel overwhelmed after today. I feel calm and relaxed. I feel peace. The Lord knew exactly what I needed and blessed me that my heart and mind would be open today during church. I am so thankful for that.
Yep that is why I live going to church because ever so often I can feel my Saviors love for me through what is being taught. It most of the times come when I have been praying for that need in my life. Thanks for that reminder Heather love you.
Sorry I meant I love going to church.