I have holding back the tears all weekend!! The horrible events that happened over in CT have been just heart breaking, and we are safe here in our house, in Pocatello.
There are no words to even express to ALL those that live there how horrible I feel for them. There is no act of service that will ever fill those voids for ALL those that live there.
I feel helpless. And I think of the Plan of Salvation, and our Saviors love, and how much He loves those that were affected.
I am doing one thing that I hope will help EVERYONE slowly remember the great things out there. I am doing coffee filter snow flakes to send over there to help the kids first day back be a "Winter Wonderland". If you want to help them, click I heart naptime on the side and get the rest of the information off there.
Praying for all over on the East Coast.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Post Surgery Check Up
Today was my post surgery check up. If you have been following me on Facebook you know things have been a cray-zay!! So just to give you the run down of the last week (can you believe its been a week?) in my life:
Doctor Cox said I look good and that everything is out. We talked about how I was feeling and what I was thinking about trying to get pregnant again. I had a break down when we talked about pregnancy again. He was so kind and I feel bad I started crying! The idea of sex kinda scares me. When I'm sleeping I have night mares, flash backs I guess, of the blood coming out and landing all over the floor and toilet. I can still feel the cramping pain that happened before all the stuff came out. It was worse than giving birth. Dr Cox was great at recognizing my anxiety of going to the E.R. again and understood what I was saying. He said that I have a 95% chance of having a healthy pregnancy and suggested that when I am ready and do get pregnant that he will do early ultrasounds to make sure everything looks good. That was comforting to hear.
I don't want to have another miscarriage of course, but what scares me more is everything that happened last week. The blood loss, the passing out, not being able to feel my hands, going into shock, all the blood tests, all the fluids, hearing the Dr/Nurses saying they want to get blood ready for a transfusion, all the fluids, the emergency surgery, going under aneasthia, hallucinating, the pain.... all of that scares me. I dunno if I'm being dramatic but I feel like maybe it was traumatic. I just need to get my head right so I can figure out why it's so scarey.
Jordon has been great through all of this. So has Hadleigh. She understands that I'm sick and that she needs to not be so rough with me. I am so thankful for family that is willing to take her to play so she isn't stuck at home with me. It helps with my migraines. It helps with my sleep. It helps her to get energy out and have fun with family. I am so thankful that they love her so much. I am so thankful for the breaks and the love they show me. That was my week and a few feelings I am dealing with. Things are getting better. They just a little more need time to be back to normal. Love you guys too!
- Wednesday- Surgery at 5ish in the morning, recovery room, a little hallucinations, home, nap, medicine, nap, medicine, nap, Blackfoot to get Hadleigh, soup and rolls at Valeighas, pick up dinner at my parents, home, medicine, bed
- Thursday- sleep in, shower (lay down in shower, dizzy) nap and medicine about every 4 hours, Jordon rents carpet cleaner, cleans the carpet, dinner with my parents, shaky so come home, medicine, bed
- Friday- Jordon had a flat tire Monday so we get up at 6:30 to drive him to work, migraine hits, drop him off, barely make it home before I see stars, medicine, sleep, Hadleigh watches way too much afternoon T.V,. wake up,migraine, medicine, Pono comes and gets Hadleigh to play, sleep, get up at 7 medicine, start dinner for my starving husband, Hadleigh gets dropped off, Jordon gets home, medicine, bed
- Saturday- Jordon gets picked up, medicine, back to sleep, get up at 10:30, get Hadleigh ready, Dad picks her up(movie with my Mom and Dad) medicine, sleep til 4, migraine, medicine, nap, Hadleigh gets home, Dad brings pizza, Jordon gets home, medicine, rinse body off in tub, sleep
- Sunday-Jordon drives to work, medicine, sleep in til 11, medicine, Hadleigh gets up, cuddles til 12, brush teeth, make breakfast, movies all day, nap, medicine, Jordon gets home, medicine, bed
- Monday-sleep in, medicine, say happy birthday to Jordon!!!( Yay) Jordon and Hadleigh get in the hot tub while I sleep til noon, get up, medicine, shower, get ready, go to Walmart for a birthday printer, go to lunch for his birthday, come home,medicine, relax for a little while, Mom and Dad come over with Jordons presents, Venus and Jeff come over with presents, Hallie and Tedi(love T lots and lots) and other friends come over with cupcakes,migraine, medicine, bed
- Tuesday- Jordon work meeting, medicine, Hads and I sleep in til 11:30!!, make lunch, medicine, Jordon gets home, nap, medicine, go shopping for Jordons birthday clothes, medicine, young womens for an hour, bed
- Wednesday- Jordon school, sleep in, medicine, shower, Dr Appointment, Walmart for Thanksgiving dinner supplies, early dinner, medicine, we nap while Jordon goes to school more, snack, medicine, blog, bed!
Doctor Cox said I look good and that everything is out. We talked about how I was feeling and what I was thinking about trying to get pregnant again. I had a break down when we talked about pregnancy again. He was so kind and I feel bad I started crying! The idea of sex kinda scares me. When I'm sleeping I have night mares, flash backs I guess, of the blood coming out and landing all over the floor and toilet. I can still feel the cramping pain that happened before all the stuff came out. It was worse than giving birth. Dr Cox was great at recognizing my anxiety of going to the E.R. again and understood what I was saying. He said that I have a 95% chance of having a healthy pregnancy and suggested that when I am ready and do get pregnant that he will do early ultrasounds to make sure everything looks good. That was comforting to hear.
I don't want to have another miscarriage of course, but what scares me more is everything that happened last week. The blood loss, the passing out, not being able to feel my hands, going into shock, all the blood tests, all the fluids, hearing the Dr/Nurses saying they want to get blood ready for a transfusion, all the fluids, the emergency surgery, going under aneasthia, hallucinating, the pain.... all of that scares me. I dunno if I'm being dramatic but I feel like maybe it was traumatic. I just need to get my head right so I can figure out why it's so scarey.
Jordon has been great through all of this. So has Hadleigh. She understands that I'm sick and that she needs to not be so rough with me. I am so thankful for family that is willing to take her to play so she isn't stuck at home with me. It helps with my migraines. It helps with my sleep. It helps her to get energy out and have fun with family. I am so thankful that they love her so much. I am so thankful for the breaks and the love they show me. That was my week and a few feelings I am dealing with. Things are getting better. They just a little more need time to be back to normal. Love you guys too!
Thursday, November 8, 2012
It looked like someone got murdered
I have been contemplating writing about this or not but it just seems like I should let everyone who wants to know and needs to know, know about my life as of late in one fail swoop.
This story starts way back in May when Jordon and I had decided that we were going to try to get pregnant over the summer and have a spring-ish baby. I prayed about it hard since I knew I would still be a homemaker and sometimes I struggle with depression. I finally had a good feeling and so I went into the O.B. in June and had my IUD taken out. We started right away trying to get pregnant.
Nothing in June.
Nothing in July.
Nothing in August.
Then in September I started to get really sick. I started puking everyday multiple times a day. We had guessed that in the middle of August was about the time I had gotten pregnant. I took a test on September 26th and boom! There was a very definite + sign. We were so excited! This was the first time I was pregnant AND married!
I was too excited to hide it so I immediately took a picture of the test and sent it to our parents. I wanted them to know so that when I showed up sick they could come up with an excuse for me. We told Hadleigh that there was a baby in my tummy and that she couldn't jump on me anymore. We were waiting to tell our siblings til Halloween. There were some people that had struggles earlier getting pregnant and we wanted to make sure that they were healing well before we told them our news. Of course we ended up telling one sibling that lives in St. George we were pregnant since we wouldn't see him til Thanksgiving. I also ended up telling Kai because he caught me throwing up at my parents house and freaked out for a minute.
Anyways, on Thursday the 25th of October I started spotting. I was a little worried but not too alarmed. I had spotted with Hadleigh for 3 days. I called the Dr. and the nurse wanted to have my HCG levels tested before anything was determined and ordered bed rest.. I went in Friday the 26th for the first blood draw. Relaxed all weekend ( more like stressed). I had a pretty good idea by Sunday that it was a miscarriage. Something just wasn't right. My woman instincts were telling me to prepare for the loss. I researched it alot online just comparing my symptoms with others and read stories on how to deal with the loss. I went in Monday the 29th for my second blood draw. Tuesday the 30th I called the Dr for the results. My levels had gone from over 5,000 to under 2,000. The nurse told me it was not a good pregnancy and that I was miscarrying. We set up a check up appointment for the 14th of November to make sure everything expelled.
I cried and racked my brain about all the things I did and didn't do right, the what ifs, and tried really hard not to blame myself. It's hard not to blame yourself when you miscarry. My head knew that there was something wrong so my body did the natural thing and ended the pregnancy before the baby or I were harmed. My heart was sad and Satan took advantage of that and snuck in his little " it's your fault. you didn't exercise enough" or his " you sat in the hot tub too long" comments. It was an internal wrestle. Some days were good other days were bad.
On Halloween I told my family that it was a miscarriage and then told Jordon's family (that knew) so that it was all done in one day. We had sooo much support for both sides that it helped us heal even more. By then Jordon and I had talked alot and became ok with it and decided to wait until Christmas time to try again. Halloween was still fun and we made the best of our situation. Over the weekend I had stopped spotting all together and was kinda nervous. I reached out to my roommate and a family friend with questions and concerns since they are both nurses. They gave me great advice and were really comforting. My body was confused about what was going on- that's why I stopped bleeding- but it was still a miscarriage so it would start up again.
This story starts way back in May when Jordon and I had decided that we were going to try to get pregnant over the summer and have a spring-ish baby. I prayed about it hard since I knew I would still be a homemaker and sometimes I struggle with depression. I finally had a good feeling and so I went into the O.B. in June and had my IUD taken out. We started right away trying to get pregnant.
Nothing in June.
Nothing in July.
Nothing in August.
Then in September I started to get really sick. I started puking everyday multiple times a day. We had guessed that in the middle of August was about the time I had gotten pregnant. I took a test on September 26th and boom! There was a very definite + sign. We were so excited! This was the first time I was pregnant AND married!
I was too excited to hide it so I immediately took a picture of the test and sent it to our parents. I wanted them to know so that when I showed up sick they could come up with an excuse for me. We told Hadleigh that there was a baby in my tummy and that she couldn't jump on me anymore. We were waiting to tell our siblings til Halloween. There were some people that had struggles earlier getting pregnant and we wanted to make sure that they were healing well before we told them our news. Of course we ended up telling one sibling that lives in St. George we were pregnant since we wouldn't see him til Thanksgiving. I also ended up telling Kai because he caught me throwing up at my parents house and freaked out for a minute.
Anyways, on Thursday the 25th of October I started spotting. I was a little worried but not too alarmed. I had spotted with Hadleigh for 3 days. I called the Dr. and the nurse wanted to have my HCG levels tested before anything was determined and ordered bed rest.. I went in Friday the 26th for the first blood draw. Relaxed all weekend ( more like stressed). I had a pretty good idea by Sunday that it was a miscarriage. Something just wasn't right. My woman instincts were telling me to prepare for the loss. I researched it alot online just comparing my symptoms with others and read stories on how to deal with the loss. I went in Monday the 29th for my second blood draw. Tuesday the 30th I called the Dr for the results. My levels had gone from over 5,000 to under 2,000. The nurse told me it was not a good pregnancy and that I was miscarrying. We set up a check up appointment for the 14th of November to make sure everything expelled.
I cried and racked my brain about all the things I did and didn't do right, the what ifs, and tried really hard not to blame myself. It's hard not to blame yourself when you miscarry. My head knew that there was something wrong so my body did the natural thing and ended the pregnancy before the baby or I were harmed. My heart was sad and Satan took advantage of that and snuck in his little " it's your fault. you didn't exercise enough" or his " you sat in the hot tub too long" comments. It was an internal wrestle. Some days were good other days were bad.
On Halloween I told my family that it was a miscarriage and then told Jordon's family (that knew) so that it was all done in one day. We had sooo much support for both sides that it helped us heal even more. By then Jordon and I had talked alot and became ok with it and decided to wait until Christmas time to try again. Halloween was still fun and we made the best of our situation. Over the weekend I had stopped spotting all together and was kinda nervous. I reached out to my roommate and a family friend with questions and concerns since they are both nurses. They gave me great advice and were really comforting. My body was confused about what was going on- that's why I stopped bleeding- but it was still a miscarriage so it would start up again.
Just an FYI~ I barely spotted up to the 2nd of Nov and then stopped altogether~ so it's going to get GRAPHIC
Monday my cousin came up to zone my feet and rub some doTerra oils on me to help start the bleeding again and to get this miscarriage on the move. I felt like a week was long enough and wanted it over with.
Tuesday was relaxing and a nice family day. We went and voted and looked at puppies and walked outside since it was in the 60's. Tuesday night was a completely different story. I started cramping really bad about 10:30pm. Then it went into contraction like cramps. I went back and forth to the bathroom thinking I would push and expel all the tissue into the toilet and get it over with. I pushed a tiny piece of tissue out and some blood/mucus? squirted out and I felt completely fine. Jordon stayed up with me until about 11:30. I sent him to bed since there was really nothing he could do and I felt better. I stayed up just in case there was more pushing I was going to do. Midnight I feel like I need to change my pad and get up off the couch.
Something drops out and blood is gushing down my legs. I take my pants off trying to wipe the blood but there is so much its not help. I run to the bathroom and take off my underwear and there is a huge piece of tissue sitting on my pad and blood every where. I sit on the toilet trying to get the blood under control and put the tissue in a sandwich bag like the nurse said. The blood is not letting up. It is seriously just falling out of me. The bathroom looked like someone had been murdered in there with all the blood. I take my shirt off and use it to soak up the blood while I stand in the tub and wash my legs and feet off. Still not letting up. I waddle into the bedroom, shirt between my legs and wake Jordon up telling him I need help, grab new underwear and close Hadleigh's door. He gets up and comes out to see the blood trail leading from the couch to the bathroom. Poor guy is still half asleep but starts cleaning up the blood spots. By then I had put on a new shirt, pad and underwear. I grabbed our towels and start wiping up the blood that is splattered all over the bathroom floor, tub, toilet, sink and door. After I get the wet stuff up I have to change my pad again. I start using the Clorox wipes to get the dried spots and to disinfect. I change my pad again. I get that done and go down stairs, start the wash and throw all the bloody clothes/ towels in. I go back up stairs and send Jordon to bed again. About 1 pm while still on the toilet trying to get all the blood/tissue out i start to feel dizzy and nauseous. I tell Jordon to call my dad to take me to the hospital. He says, " Babe, I can take you." "I know but someone needs to come so Hadleigh can still sleep."
He calls my moms cell. Its turned off. I tell him their land line and he calls it. My dad answers. While they are talking I stand up to get my pad to sit right in my undies and BOOM! I pass out and hit the floor. I woke up to see J kneeling next to me saying my dad is coming and he's going to get dressed. "DON'T MOVE." I fix my pad, even though there is now blood on my new undies. J pulls up my pants and puts my boots on. I just lay on the floor with a clean towel under my head until my dad gets here. Jordon helps me up and helps me walk to the car. About 6 feet from the house I tell him, "I think I'm going to pass out again." wrap my arms around his neck and BOOM! I wake up in the grass, J telling me he's going to get my dad. My dad runs out and lovingly smacks my face to make sure I'm awake then wipes my sweat and kisses my forehead. J and Dad carry me the rest of the way to the car, put a towel down (still Niagara falling blood) and Jordon drives me to the hospital(holding my hand all the way). We get there and he goes and gets a wheel chair. He wheels me in and while checking in I pass out a 3rd time and then puke. The front desk lady calls back a second time for someone to come get me. After like 30 minutes I get back to a bed in the E.R. and they hook me to some fluids after telling me how pale (bad) I look. After 2 nurses, a pelvic exam, 4 doctors, 3 bags a fluids, 4 blood tests and 6 times of telling my " miscarriage story" it is finally determined that I need an emergency D&C. I get some Zolofran, heart monitor sticker things and a pressure cuff I get wheeled into a closed O.R. There it's just Dr. Shelley, a nurse, the anesthesiologist and the assistant. I get my arms strapped down, and some meds to knock me out and the next thing I know I'm signing telling the Drs thank you and they did a very good job and asking where Jordon is. I can't talk since they intibated me and taped my eyes closed during the surgery. Finally, the recovery nurse says "Honey, we don't know sign language." I start nodding and shaking my head to answer questions as I come out of anaesthesia. It takes about an hour of coming to before we leave the hospital and make it home at 7:30 in the morning. No sleep for 24 hours makes for 2 tired people.
1:30 am until 7:30 am is the time we spent in the hospital.
The bill for this is going to be MASSIVE!
After all this I have plenty to be Thankful for.- A husband who holds the Priesthood, for giving me a blessing, for physical strength to carry my dead weight, for the support he showed at the hospital, for cleaning the carpets, for not sleeping until Hadleigh had somewhere to go, for picking up my pain medicine, for checking on me all through the night, for taking care of me today, for sacrificing a school day to get more cleaning done
- A father who picked up a late night phone call and came quickly to watch our daughter, physical strength to carry me to the car, and the Priesthood just in case I needed another blessing
- In-laws who took Hadleigh for the day, made my favorite soup and rolls, got me a little get better present and card, who love my family and me as much as we love them, and the CUTEST thankful tree ever
- A daughter who slept perfect all night for the first time in months, was soft with her sick mommy before she left and went to bed early so her parents could get more sleep too
- A mother who made porkchops and salad for us to bring home so that we didnt go hungry
- Jordon's work, that we have insurance to pay for the hospital, moving back to day shift just in time, that his 3 days off were right when this happened, that he has decent pay to hopefully still have a Christmas for Hadleigh
- The gospel that we know of forever families, the Priesthood power, prayer and the Holy Ghost's comfort through a very trying time
- Friends with nursing knowledge to answer our questions before and after the hospital
- Doctor's, nurses, check-in ladies that knew what they were doing, had concern for me, took care of me, and figured out the solution so that I wouldn't need a blood transfusion or die from blood loss or get an infection
- For a cousin who came up here to help me with holistic ways of balancing my body and helping it on it's way
- For all of you who have prayed or helped us in any way. We are truely grateful.
I am so thankful for so many things. As scarey as this was and still is,
because of this, I feel closer to my husband more than ever before.
I feel closer to my Father in Heaven.
This was a blessing, not a trial.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
I know I promised pictures but...
This past month has been amazing and crazy and sad all wrapped up in a mini mouse costume. I am just so thankful for a loving husband and a daughter for a best friend. I am thankful for answered prayers and unanswered prayer. I am thankful for brothers that love me and listen to me talk out my problems. I am thankful for my in-laws and their support. I am thankful for my parents that help me with Hadleigh and her special bond with my dad.
I have so much to share and don't know how to say it! I guess i should post pictures first and then write some explanations. Until next time.
I have so much to share and don't know how to say it! I guess i should post pictures first and then write some explanations. Until next time.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Pictures are coming.... after this post!
Time has flown by and I just haven't made the time to blog. If you follow me on facebook you know that our life has been pretty busy and on the "slow days" I just sit and enjoy Hadleigh and our dogs. She is becoming a very talkative little being. She is who she is and it's amazing to watch her. We have been contemplating putting her in preschool (missed it) and then starting her in dance and gymnastics (still debating cost) because she is so active. Winter is not a good season for her. It means no parks, no swimming at Jensen's Grove, no walks, no playing outside all day in a dress, no picnics..... she get house fever!! I am thinking we are going to do swimming lessons again in January just to get her to be stronger and more confident.
Her latest thing to do is play with the "Pony's" we got her for her birthday. She loves My Little Pony and she plays with them all day singing the songs from the movies we have. She can name them and their cutie marks and say if they fly or walk or have magic. She pretends to be a horse and gallops all over the house. She is so funny!
She is smart. I know every mom says that. But I think it's true for all kids. Their knowledge and ability to understand things that we thought they couldn't is a miracle. She counts to 20 and sings her ABC's, although she does miss some letters and says some wrong but she's close enough! She knows all the types of makeup i put on my face- blush, eyeshadow,mascara, lip gloss, lipstick, powder. She can name some shapes and some colors. I think sometimes she says orange for other colors just because she likes to say orange. She also can name farm animals, zoo animals and some dinosaurs.
She is also girly with a slight tomboy twist. She loves pink, dresses, painted nails, and high heels. She likes to play catch, basketball and loves watching my baby brother play football. She will watch games on T.V. with her dad and knows where they have to run or when to pass the ball. She is a great combo I think. I am excited to put in some classes/ teams when we figure out our finances.
Our house has been hit a couple times with the sickies!! In September we all got sick, then she had double ear infections, then I got flu sick, then she got sick again. Luckily Jordon has been pretty healthy and able to work. We are trying to find our energy again and get back in the swing of things. We do better on the days Jordon has off. We depend on him to help us get out of the house and get our errands done.
I will post pictures soon of all the events of the last 6 months. There have been alot!!
Her latest thing to do is play with the "Pony's" we got her for her birthday. She loves My Little Pony and she plays with them all day singing the songs from the movies we have. She can name them and their cutie marks and say if they fly or walk or have magic. She pretends to be a horse and gallops all over the house. She is so funny!
She is smart. I know every mom says that. But I think it's true for all kids. Their knowledge and ability to understand things that we thought they couldn't is a miracle. She counts to 20 and sings her ABC's, although she does miss some letters and says some wrong but she's close enough! She knows all the types of makeup i put on my face- blush, eyeshadow,mascara, lip gloss, lipstick, powder. She can name some shapes and some colors. I think sometimes she says orange for other colors just because she likes to say orange. She also can name farm animals, zoo animals and some dinosaurs.
She is also girly with a slight tomboy twist. She loves pink, dresses, painted nails, and high heels. She likes to play catch, basketball and loves watching my baby brother play football. She will watch games on T.V. with her dad and knows where they have to run or when to pass the ball. She is a great combo I think. I am excited to put in some classes/ teams when we figure out our finances.
Our house has been hit a couple times with the sickies!! In September we all got sick, then she had double ear infections, then I got flu sick, then she got sick again. Luckily Jordon has been pretty healthy and able to work. We are trying to find our energy again and get back in the swing of things. We do better on the days Jordon has off. We depend on him to help us get out of the house and get our errands done.
I will post pictures soon of all the events of the last 6 months. There have been alot!!
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
1095 Days!!
My "baby" has been on the Earth for 1095 days today! I can't believe it! She is so smart and kind and silly and perfect. I tell her all the time that she is my best friend and lately she has been telling me that I'm her best friend and it makes my heart melt.
Today for her birthday I pretty much did whatever she wanted. We woke up at 8 and cuddled and eskimo kissed and whispered silly things to each other. We got out of bed about 9 and watched Fox and the Hound. For breakfast we had chocolate covered blueberries and raspberries. I got in the shower and then she let me "watch your grown up show" Covert Affairs" while she drew. Then we decided to put on real clothes and not hang out in just our underware. We met my mom for Hadleigh's birthday lunch. After lunch we went to my parents house and made things for her Fairy Birthday party on Saturday. Well, I made them she played with my brothers. We came home and she watched Fox and the Hound again. Right now she is watching Toy Story 2. Jordon should be home about 9 and we are having her fav. TacoBell and Ice Creme.
I hope she had the best birthday so far. I will post pictures another day. And more on her party Sunday!!
Today for her birthday I pretty much did whatever she wanted. We woke up at 8 and cuddled and eskimo kissed and whispered silly things to each other. We got out of bed about 9 and watched Fox and the Hound. For breakfast we had chocolate covered blueberries and raspberries. I got in the shower and then she let me "watch your grown up show" Covert Affairs" while she drew. Then we decided to put on real clothes and not hang out in just our underware. We met my mom for Hadleigh's birthday lunch. After lunch we went to my parents house and made things for her Fairy Birthday party on Saturday. Well, I made them she played with my brothers. We came home and she watched Fox and the Hound again. Right now she is watching Toy Story 2. Jordon should be home about 9 and we are having her fav. TacoBell and Ice Creme.
I hope she had the best birthday so far. I will post pictures another day. And more on her party Sunday!!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
So far behind!
So much has been happening, so much has been on my mind and I am just plain overwhelmed to post about it. One day soon I will post pictures with little captions to fill you in.
We, at my house, are doing great and having fun! We are trying to be better and do better. We are also party planning fools!
I want you all to know I stalk your blogs and love reading and seeing pictures!! I will be up to par soon!
We, at my house, are doing great and having fun! We are trying to be better and do better. We are also party planning fools!
I want you all to know I stalk your blogs and love reading and seeing pictures!! I will be up to par soon!
Monday, May 14, 2012
Mama is my new name and I like it!!
Mother's Day is a great day.
It used to be bitter sweet but as time has gone on it has gotten more sweet than bitter.
Every Mother's Day I think of sweet baby Samuel and the days we spent together in the hospital. I think of the day he was sealed to Alexandra and David and his 2 loving brothers. I think of the great 5 years we've had growing together as extended families. I always get amazingly wonderful movies of him for Mothers Day. I watch and I cry. I cry tears of joy. I get to be so involved and still Alex makes sure that I get to see what she sees every day. I know that he was meant to be with the Prices. I know that they have become the parents I never could have been. I am so thankful for Alex and the amazing mother that she is. She is what I aspire to be.
Jordon had to work but he left me a sweet note in the bathroom to see when I got up to get ready for church. He also spoiled me with 2 dresses! I love summer dresses. He knows the way to my heart is clothes!! He also sent me sweet texts all day to make me feel loved and wonderful. When he got home we snuggled the rest of the night which was just what I needed. I needed to be held by my husband.
Hadleigh was a peach! She made Sunday great! She came to Y.W. with me b/c her friends Hayzel and Jack came with Gramma Janice!! She sat quietly on my lap and then held hands with H and J for a little and then sat back on my lap. She cuddled me all day and gave kisses. She called me her best friend and said I was " gorgegeous" I love being her mom. Sometimes I complain about being home all day, being bored and feeling like I have no friends. But I really do love being with her. I love seeing her grow and know that she loves me. She is my best friend too! And I wouldn't change that!
Hadleigh and I went to Church and then came home and had some yummy shortcake.
Since Jordon had to work we went to my parents house and had shish-ka-bobs.
It was a great day filled with my family and my Filiagas. Hallie even got to talk to Jared!
I love the Filiaga family. They ARE my immediate family. And I love Jared. Even with him being on a mission I still love him. Hadleigh loves him too! She "writes" him "me-mails" all the time.
I have become more and more grateful for my immediate family and the good things they see in me.
I have been struggling with self esteem and remembering that I am a good person and they always make me feel worthy. They give me words of advice on how to handle situations and tell me that I am better than what I think. I am so thankful for my mother. For her strength, for her tolerance, for her bravery, for her kindness, without these I wouldn't be where I am today.
It used to be bitter sweet but as time has gone on it has gotten more sweet than bitter.
Every Mother's Day I think of sweet baby Samuel and the days we spent together in the hospital. I think of the day he was sealed to Alexandra and David and his 2 loving brothers. I think of the great 5 years we've had growing together as extended families. I always get amazingly wonderful movies of him for Mothers Day. I watch and I cry. I cry tears of joy. I get to be so involved and still Alex makes sure that I get to see what she sees every day. I know that he was meant to be with the Prices. I know that they have become the parents I never could have been. I am so thankful for Alex and the amazing mother that she is. She is what I aspire to be.
Jordon had to work but he left me a sweet note in the bathroom to see when I got up to get ready for church. He also spoiled me with 2 dresses! I love summer dresses. He knows the way to my heart is clothes!! He also sent me sweet texts all day to make me feel loved and wonderful. When he got home we snuggled the rest of the night which was just what I needed. I needed to be held by my husband.
Hadleigh was a peach! She made Sunday great! She came to Y.W. with me b/c her friends Hayzel and Jack came with Gramma Janice!! She sat quietly on my lap and then held hands with H and J for a little and then sat back on my lap. She cuddled me all day and gave kisses. She called me her best friend and said I was " gorgegeous" I love being her mom. Sometimes I complain about being home all day, being bored and feeling like I have no friends. But I really do love being with her. I love seeing her grow and know that she loves me. She is my best friend too! And I wouldn't change that!
Hadleigh and I went to Church and then came home and had some yummy shortcake.
Since Jordon had to work we went to my parents house and had shish-ka-bobs.
It was a great day filled with my family and my Filiagas. Hallie even got to talk to Jared!
I love the Filiaga family. They ARE my immediate family. And I love Jared. Even with him being on a mission I still love him. Hadleigh loves him too! She "writes" him "me-mails" all the time.
I have become more and more grateful for my immediate family and the good things they see in me.
I have been struggling with self esteem and remembering that I am a good person and they always make me feel worthy. They give me words of advice on how to handle situations and tell me that I am better than what I think. I am so thankful for my mother. For her strength, for her tolerance, for her bravery, for her kindness, without these I wouldn't be where I am today.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
I can almost smell spring!
The weather has been pretty nice here lately and I am loving it! Even if it is windy, at least the sun is out and stays out past 5pm.
Conference was a few days ago and it was awesome as usual. I love to hear the prophets speak. Jordon was able to go to the Priesthood session too! Since we have been together he has only been able to go to 3 sessions so I was really happy when he had that night off!
My favorite talk this session was by Elder Uchtdorf Sunday morning. I needed to hear it. Not that I think that I am a gossiper, or big on holding grudges but I do sometimes have anger that lingers longer than it should. And I need to "Stop It." I am happy that I am not a judger, and that I am pretty tolerant and accepting. Is it bad that some people came to mind when he was speaking of people I was hoping would hear the message and take it to heart too?! I hope not. I thought of someone that I care about that struggles with the church and if that person could hear this talk it would change their view of the church. I also, thought of some people that often make me feel excluded. When they get together, they become exclusive and often make me feel less than. I was hoping they heard Elder Uchtdorf say "Stop It" and to be inclusive.
I needed to hear that I had more control than I was giving myself. I need to "Stop It" and be happy and turn to the Lord instead of feeling less than or excluded.
All in all, if any of you need some quick info on what I am taking into my daily life starting yesterday you can read it when it comes out next month!
Conference was a few days ago and it was awesome as usual. I love to hear the prophets speak. Jordon was able to go to the Priesthood session too! Since we have been together he has only been able to go to 3 sessions so I was really happy when he had that night off!
My favorite talk this session was by Elder Uchtdorf Sunday morning. I needed to hear it. Not that I think that I am a gossiper, or big on holding grudges but I do sometimes have anger that lingers longer than it should. And I need to "Stop It." I am happy that I am not a judger, and that I am pretty tolerant and accepting. Is it bad that some people came to mind when he was speaking of people I was hoping would hear the message and take it to heart too?! I hope not. I thought of someone that I care about that struggles with the church and if that person could hear this talk it would change their view of the church. I also, thought of some people that often make me feel excluded. When they get together, they become exclusive and often make me feel less than. I was hoping they heard Elder Uchtdorf say "Stop It" and to be inclusive.
I needed to hear that I had more control than I was giving myself. I need to "Stop It" and be happy and turn to the Lord instead of feeling less than or excluded.
All in all, if any of you need some quick info on what I am taking into my daily life starting yesterday you can read it when it comes out next month!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Titan's surgery went really well yesterday.
The Vet said that it was easy and he did great and that he was recovering pretty well.
They gave us more pain med for him so now he has 3 pills to help him.
His leg looks so bad! The incision was like 8 inches long!
He did ok yesterday whining until about midnight but he good from 12 to 930 this morning!
What a trooper that dog is!
The Vet called to check up on him and I told him he's walking around today.
He did potty this morning but hasn't had a bowl movement.
That's ok as long as he has one sometime today.
I was worried cuz he hadn't eaten yet.
That's like a day and a half!
The Vet said to try to get him to eat anything.
I gave him some treats and he downed them!
He just doesn't want his dog food.
I don't blame him.
Anyways, that is the update.
My black doggy is doing pretty good.
And I am relieved!
The Vet said that it was easy and he did great and that he was recovering pretty well.
They gave us more pain med for him so now he has 3 pills to help him.
His leg looks so bad! The incision was like 8 inches long!
He did ok yesterday whining until about midnight but he good from 12 to 930 this morning!
What a trooper that dog is!
The Vet called to check up on him and I told him he's walking around today.
He did potty this morning but hasn't had a bowl movement.
That's ok as long as he has one sometime today.
I was worried cuz he hadn't eaten yet.
That's like a day and a half!
The Vet said to try to get him to eat anything.
I gave him some treats and he downed them!
He just doesn't want his dog food.
I don't blame him.
Anyways, that is the update.
My black doggy is doing pretty good.
And I am relieved!
Friday, March 23, 2012
"Where did he go?"
I dropped off Titan this morning for his knee surgery.
Hadleigh came with me since it was so early and Jordon wasn't home from work yet.
I was so worried all night that I barely slept. My mind racing with "what if's".
He liked his medicine so that is a good sign that he won't be in much pain.
I just want him to be all better.
Hadleigh was so worried when I came back to the car without Titan.
She kept asking "Where did he go?" and "Why does he have serrgery?"
"The doctor be nice mom?" Poor girl.
I left Tank home and he whined and whined.
The boy sure misses his older brother.
He has been non-stop at my feet all day so far.
Pray Titan does well and that he has a fast recovery... and that neither Hadleigh nor Tank hurt him while he is trying to heal. That is ALWAYS possible!
Hadleigh came with me since it was so early and Jordon wasn't home from work yet.
I was so worried all night that I barely slept. My mind racing with "what if's".
He liked his medicine so that is a good sign that he won't be in much pain.
I just want him to be all better.
Hadleigh was so worried when I came back to the car without Titan.
She kept asking "Where did he go?" and "Why does he have serrgery?"
"The doctor be nice mom?" Poor girl.
I left Tank home and he whined and whined.
The boy sure misses his older brother.
He has been non-stop at my feet all day so far.
Pray Titan does well and that he has a fast recovery... and that neither Hadleigh nor Tank hurt him while he is trying to heal. That is ALWAYS possible!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
A recent activity that has been going on at our house is Princess coming up to us and giving us a rather vigorous hug and saying I "lub" you Mom/Dad. She has been "thank you" all the time for everything and saying "oh i sorry mom/dad" when she can tell that we are disappointed in something that she has done. But my 2 favorite quotes are "OOOHHH I so 'cited!!!" and " You my bess fwend/ dada is my fwend not you fwend" She is so possessive of her father.
She is the light of my life and headache I have daily. But I couldn't imagine life without her!
She is the light of my life and headache I have daily. But I couldn't imagine life without her!
Friday, March 16, 2012
All the things I'm learning
Today I have been watching Gangland on Spike.
I have always had rose colored glasses on I guess.
I knew of the evils of the world but not to this extent.
Right now they are covering the gangs of Salt Lake.
It breaks my heart to see the Polynesians on the show.
It breaks my heart to hear that they share my same religion.
But they can kill other people that share in the same belief and knowledge.
I hold the culture that I come from to a very high standard and they are shaming us.
They are shaming the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
But more importantly they are losing out on Celestial Glory.
It makes me so sad for them and for their families.
It reminds me of the Lamanites and Nephites.
And we all know how that turned out for those poeple.
I just don't want to see the brown skin that I love so much go down.
"I believe that Gangs are the work of Satan, to pull the youth off the track to reach their potential. Heavenly Father just wants us to reach our potential and that's it."
Tongan Crip and LDS member Mr. C
you would think that if he knows this he would stay out of his past life but it keeps drawing
him back in over and over again.
I have always had rose colored glasses on I guess.
I knew of the evils of the world but not to this extent.
Right now they are covering the gangs of Salt Lake.
It breaks my heart to see the Polynesians on the show.
It breaks my heart to hear that they share my same religion.
But they can kill other people that share in the same belief and knowledge.
I hold the culture that I come from to a very high standard and they are shaming us.
They are shaming the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
But more importantly they are losing out on Celestial Glory.
It makes me so sad for them and for their families.
It reminds me of the Lamanites and Nephites.
And we all know how that turned out for those poeple.
I just don't want to see the brown skin that I love so much go down.
"I believe that Gangs are the work of Satan, to pull the youth off the track to reach their potential. Heavenly Father just wants us to reach our potential and that's it."
Tongan Crip and LDS member Mr. C
you would think that if he knows this he would stay out of his past life but it keeps drawing
him back in over and over again.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
When I'm stressed about money....
I have a really bad habit of shopping when I am stressed about money.
It sounds so ridiculous and it is 100 PERCENT ABSURD!!
Who shops when they have no money? Or live on a tight budget?
I do pretty good most of the time, but every once-in-a-while I have a melt down and shop away.
My biggest problem is I love clothes! And I love deals! So when I get coupons about taking $20 off a $50 purchase I leap for it! I am so bad when it comes to deals on clothes.
The reason of this post is not to divulge my dark secrets to those that read my blog but to try and work things out in my head by "writing" it on paper. Seeing is believing...
We took our "El Diablo" aka Titan to the vet to get his yearly shots. (the black one)

He's been limping on and off this winter and we thought it was time to go and see what the deal was while we were there. Turns out our sweetheart has to have surgery to repair a knee cap that slides on and off. He has to have part of his bone in his knee taken out to make a bigger divot so that his knee cap can't slide on and off. This is going to cost us $1000 to $1200.
$1000 to $1200 dollars we DO NOT have. When we got our tax return we paid off one credit card, paid Jake back for his washer,dryer and lawn mower, and then put a significant amount on our other credit card. We then had $1000 to play with. We went out to eat, we bought clothes, we have a couple hundred in our savings and we finished our bedrooms. All the play money is gone now. After the shots and check up the "play money" was played with.
If we had taken Titan to the Vet 1 or 2 weeks earlier we would have had the money set aside. Granted we would have had to have been super tight with our paycheck and return but the Vet bill would be covered. No that it's not we have no idea what to do. This is a lot of money.
I guess I just need help and prayers to know what to do to keep our family afloat the next couple months. Any advice is also greatly appreciated. I just want my family to be healthy and safe and be able to put some money in savings at least once a month.
It sounds so ridiculous and it is 100 PERCENT ABSURD!!
Who shops when they have no money? Or live on a tight budget?
I do pretty good most of the time, but every once-in-a-while I have a melt down and shop away.
My biggest problem is I love clothes! And I love deals! So when I get coupons about taking $20 off a $50 purchase I leap for it! I am so bad when it comes to deals on clothes.
The reason of this post is not to divulge my dark secrets to those that read my blog but to try and work things out in my head by "writing" it on paper. Seeing is believing...
We took our "El Diablo" aka Titan to the vet to get his yearly shots. (the black one)

He's been limping on and off this winter and we thought it was time to go and see what the deal was while we were there. Turns out our sweetheart has to have surgery to repair a knee cap that slides on and off. He has to have part of his bone in his knee taken out to make a bigger divot so that his knee cap can't slide on and off. This is going to cost us $1000 to $1200.
$1000 to $1200 dollars we DO NOT have. When we got our tax return we paid off one credit card, paid Jake back for his washer,dryer and lawn mower, and then put a significant amount on our other credit card. We then had $1000 to play with. We went out to eat, we bought clothes, we have a couple hundred in our savings and we finished our bedrooms. All the play money is gone now. After the shots and check up the "play money" was played with.
If we had taken Titan to the Vet 1 or 2 weeks earlier we would have had the money set aside. Granted we would have had to have been super tight with our paycheck and return but the Vet bill would be covered. No that it's not we have no idea what to do. This is a lot of money.
I guess I just need help and prayers to know what to do to keep our family afloat the next couple months. Any advice is also greatly appreciated. I just want my family to be healthy and safe and be able to put some money in savings at least once a month.
Monday, March 5, 2012
We have definately hit the terrible 2's around here. It is one of the most funny times and one of the most frustrating times too!! She is talking so much more and her vocabulary is expanding by at least 5 words a day if not more. But she is talking so much that we have already had to discuss why we don't say shut up or stupid or gosh. I have no idea where she got the first two words but i do know that we say gosh alot around here. We have been working on not saying it because when it comes out of her sweet mouth is sounds like the Lords name. We say oh my goodness at the Clark house, so do NOT be surprised if she corrects you. I am thinking she got the "S" words from Balto and Aristocats, maybe even Lilo and Stitch. I guess I need to screen Disney movies better.
Pray that both us girls over here live to see the next 10 years!! We drive each other cray-zay!!!
Pray that both us girls over here live to see the next 10 years!! We drive each other cray-zay!!!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Jibber, jabber
This morning Hadleigh got up at like the crack of dawn so what did I do after the little princess brought me a diaper and we changed her bum-bum? I turned on Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and headed back to bed to snuggle with my hubby. Hadleigh came back in about an hour later and turned on our touch lamp to wake us. After a mooch or two from little one we finally got up. When I walked out I saw paper ripped up all over and sighed. I asked Hadleigh to pick it up and hand it to me so I could throw it away. I told her " Sis, you can't rip stuff up honey or you will just have to lay in your bed until mommy and daddy get up." She replies, " Ok. I sorry Mommy!!" I tell her not to rip up her books. Two minutes later she comes into the bathroom while we are brushing our teeth and says, " I sorry Mommy, but I not understand what you sayin... soo..." and walks away!!
I have no idea where she comes up with this stuff but I love her and her sassy self!
I have no idea where she comes up with this stuff but I love her and her sassy self!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Tiddles, Toodles
My delicious honey bunny Hadleigh has been saying the cutest things
She has the best imagination and the funniest vocabulary.
She is also very bossy and has great facial expressions.
Today driving from church to Gramma Whites she was askin why she had to
wear her seat belt. I told her so that she was safe and didn't die.
She then says " Dad goyin to die. He dyin."
She said that over and over and it was so funny.
On the way passing Franklin Jr. she looks at me " Let me tall ya sumtin. Let me tell ya sumtin."
I giggled a little and she glared at me. It was very cute!
" The bad guy is over there in da tree! He was scared in the tree.
And he was outside in his jacket. He was burrin (cold). He went home to him daughter.
And he came out and he's scared of me!! I scare him. Hahaha!"
Later when I was teasing J. she said " Don't hit my dada. He's my friend."
" Mommy, you hear me? Don't hit my dada. He is MMMYY FRIEND!"
Tonight during the All-Star game I was cheering for Blake Griffin.
I told her to say Gggooo Griffin! And she says " GGGOOO Giffisss!"
Just 2 minutes ago she came and looked at the game and says"Go De-Dawsons!"
She loves her some back-a-ball!
What a good girl!
Here's some old but lovely pictures of her from the past year!
She has the best imagination and the funniest vocabulary.
She is also very bossy and has great facial expressions.
Today driving from church to Gramma Whites she was askin why she had to
wear her seat belt. I told her so that she was safe and didn't die.
She then says " Dad goyin to die. He dyin."
She said that over and over and it was so funny.
On the way passing Franklin Jr. she looks at me " Let me tall ya sumtin. Let me tell ya sumtin."
I giggled a little and she glared at me. It was very cute!
" The bad guy is over there in da tree! He was scared in the tree.
And he was outside in his jacket. He was burrin (cold). He went home to him daughter.
And he came out and he's scared of me!! I scare him. Hahaha!"
Later when I was teasing J. she said " Don't hit my dada. He's my friend."
" Mommy, you hear me? Don't hit my dada. He is MMMYY FRIEND!"
Tonight during the All-Star game I was cheering for Blake Griffin.
I told her to say Gggooo Griffin! And she says " GGGOOO Giffisss!"
Just 2 minutes ago she came and looked at the game and says"Go De-Dawsons!"
She loves her some back-a-ball!
What a good girl!
Here's some old but lovely pictures of her from the past year!

My aunt got 12 tickets to go to the last BYU home game on Saturday and she gave my dad half. He invited Jordon, Hadleigh and I to go and we said yes! Jordon was scheduled to work until he got his day shift job. With the training that he has going on he had the weekend off. It was a nice surprise to have him come with us. We went down Friday and got back today at about 6 pm. While we were down we were able to go shopping!! I love Provo and I love the stores and I love that I have family sprinkled down there! My father was nice enough to drive us around to different shoes stores to find Jordon some nice everyday shoes while I looked for some new work out shoes and "Doc" like shoes. We spent about 4 hours shopping. By the time we finally made it to the Provo Towne Mall Kai, my dad and Hadleigh were worn out. My dad took Hadleigh to play while the 3 of us "big kids" went out to find shoes. The last store we got to Jordon FINALLY found white Nikes that he wanted. Thank goodness they had his size. After the game we stopped back at the 2nd store we saw and got my shoes. It was a long day of shoe shopping/ car riding.
While we shopped my dad took Hadleigh on a train they had at the mall. It was so cute! It took the kids around the bottom of the mall and honked it horn. It was adorable and Hads LOVES trains! Then my dad took her up by the food court and they rode on the Merry-Go-Round.... 3 times! He is such a good dad and a great Papa! He holds a special place in Hadleigh's heart.
While we shopped my dad took Hadleigh on a train they had at the mall. It was so cute! It took the kids around the bottom of the mall and honked it horn. It was adorable and Hads LOVES trains! Then my dad took her up by the food court and they rode on the Merry-Go-Round.... 3 times! He is such a good dad and a great Papa! He holds a special place in Hadleigh's heart.
The game was super fun!! Hads stayed with Gamma White.
We got our shirts for cheap at Wallys.
I got mine at the game for 10 bucks. Kids Lg, great steal!
The crowd there is CRAY-ZAY!! Holy cow! So loud!
But they are fun to listen to every now and again.
I would hate going to every game but for my first cougar game it was great.
It was senior night, but they only have 2 seniors.
Hartsock was hurt so only Iuma played.
Guess who made an appearance for the senior cheerleaders.....
James "JIMMER" Freddette!!

That's right! He was sweet to come and miss the All-Star dunk contest!
He came to spotlight the cheer team and his sweet fiance!
He is more attractive in person but his voice is much higher than I thought.
I dunno.
Maybe he was nervous.
BYU won and we got to see Jimmer.
Great Saturday spent down in Provo.
We got our shirts for cheap at Wallys.
I got mine at the game for 10 bucks. Kids Lg, great steal!
The crowd there is CRAY-ZAY!! Holy cow! So loud!
But they are fun to listen to every now and again.
I would hate going to every game but for my first cougar game it was great.
It was senior night, but they only have 2 seniors.
Hartsock was hurt so only Iuma played.
Guess who made an appearance for the senior cheerleaders.....
James "JIMMER" Freddette!!

That's right! He was sweet to come and miss the All-Star dunk contest!
He came to spotlight the cheer team and his sweet fiance!
He is more attractive in person but his voice is much higher than I thought.
I dunno.
Maybe he was nervous.
BYU won and we got to see Jimmer.
Great Saturday spent down in Provo.
Lots of new things happening!
There are so many new things happening here and I need to post more often! I am so sorry!
First, Although I'm not Catholic I have decided to participate in Lent.
For 40 days you give up something. It's like a long fast.
I am doing it for about 30. I know, not the same.
I gave up facebook, my cell, and email.
So far I am doing pretty good! No facebook checking. No email, but I do need to check it for some young women things from the stake. It counts as not using it if I only check it for church things right? I think so. I need to fulfill my calling. I have used my cell this past weekend. I wish that I hadn't but I did. I had to find a babysitter for our boys while we were out of town. I had to tell my dad that his car doors were open. I had to check to see where our house key was so that we could get in tonight. But I haven't played any games, or gotten on facebook or E!online. I am doing good at just cutting back to the basics. And I didn't watch any TV this weekend til now when we watched DVR House and the All-Star game.
My goal is to spend more quality time with my family, teach my boys some more tricks, teach Hadleigh more colors, shapes and letters, and focus more on my testimony. I want to get closer to those that I love. Take out as many distractions as I can to reach my goal.
For 40 days you give up something. It's like a long fast.
I am doing it for about 30. I know, not the same.
I gave up facebook, my cell, and email.
So far I am doing pretty good! No facebook checking. No email, but I do need to check it for some young women things from the stake. It counts as not using it if I only check it for church things right? I think so. I need to fulfill my calling. I have used my cell this past weekend. I wish that I hadn't but I did. I had to find a babysitter for our boys while we were out of town. I had to tell my dad that his car doors were open. I had to check to see where our house key was so that we could get in tonight. But I haven't played any games, or gotten on facebook or E!online. I am doing good at just cutting back to the basics. And I didn't watch any TV this weekend til now when we watched DVR House and the All-Star game.
My goal is to spend more quality time with my family, teach my boys some more tricks, teach Hadleigh more colors, shapes and letters, and focus more on my testimony. I want to get closer to those that I love. Take out as many distractions as I can to reach my goal.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Conversation going on right now:
"Say plwease..."
"Please can I have my watch?"
"Of cooouuurrrsssseeee!"
"Thank you"
"You welcome."
I love to hear my two loves talk. They are so funny. It makes my heart happy. It might be my heart condition, but I think my heart skips a beat when they are having fun together.
We had a great Valentine's Evening. We had mutual and Jordon had work til 9. Hadleigh and I got home at about 8:45 pm and started dinner. We had white cheese pasta, peas, crescent rolls and sparkling cider with purple ice hearts. And yes, we ate this all at 9:30PM. It was how we celebrated our love.
I did get these lovely flowers, a card and chocolates from my husband. He spoils me good.
I love Valentine's Day. Some say it's made up by stores to make you buy stuff BUT as you can see you don't have to spend lot's if any money. I made dinner. And that shows I love my forever partner. Valentines Day is a day to slow down and remember why you love who you love. It's a day to put some extra thought into whatever you and your love(s) are going to do.
Small and Simple. Large and Complicated. You choose. And cherish those moments forever.
"Say plwease..."
"Please can I have my watch?"
"Of cooouuurrrsssseeee!"
"Thank you"
"You welcome."
I love to hear my two loves talk. They are so funny. It makes my heart happy. It might be my heart condition, but I think my heart skips a beat when they are having fun together.
We had a great Valentine's Evening. We had mutual and Jordon had work til 9. Hadleigh and I got home at about 8:45 pm and started dinner. We had white cheese pasta, peas, crescent rolls and sparkling cider with purple ice hearts. And yes, we ate this all at 9:30PM. It was how we celebrated our love.
I did get these lovely flowers, a card and chocolates from my husband. He spoils me good.
I love Valentine's Day. Some say it's made up by stores to make you buy stuff BUT as you can see you don't have to spend lot's if any money. I made dinner. And that shows I love my forever partner. Valentines Day is a day to slow down and remember why you love who you love. It's a day to put some extra thought into whatever you and your love(s) are going to do.
Small and Simple. Large and Complicated. You choose. And cherish those moments forever.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
That is how many days I have been married.
1095 Days.
I can NOT even believe my last name has been Clark (hyphenated) for 3 years.
Every marriage/relationship has it's valleys and it's peaks. Ours does too. I am happy to say that ours has more plateaus than valleys. I falling more in love with my husband each day. I think that children also make you love your spouse more. I love him for giving me this crazy, diva, girly girl. I love to watch them play. I love to hear them talk. I love to see them together.
My husband has been such a hard worker for us. He provides for us physically, spiritually and emotionally. He is a great support system. When I'm angry he will listen to me vent. When I am sad he does his best to make me happy again. When I am happy he likes to laugh with me. He is for sure my best friend. We are growing together and I am so happy about that.
Thank you to my sweetheart for doing the very best that you do! All I need is you.(& Hadleigh)
Ohh there's something 'bout a man in black
Makes me wanna buy a Cadillac
Throw the top back and roll down to Jackson Town
I wanna be there on the stage with you,
You and I can be the next rage two
Hear the crowd roar, make them want more
and kick the footlights out
I wanna a love like Johnny and June
Rings of fire burnin' with you
I wanna walk the line, walk the line
till the end of time
I wanna love, love you that much
cash it all in, give it all up
and when your gone, I wanna go too
Like Johnny and June
I wanna hold you baby right or wrong
build a world around a country song
Pray a sweet Prayer, follow you there
Down in history
I wanna a love like Johnny and June
Rings of fire burnin' with you
I wanna walk the line, walk the line
till the end of time
I wanna love, love you that much
cash it all in, give it all up
and when your gone, I wanna go too
Like Johnny and June
Like Johnny and June
More than life itself, no one else
This endless promise
They don't make love like that anymore
is that too much to be askin for
I wanna a love like Johnny and June
Rings of fire burnin' with you
I wanna walk the line, walk the line
till the end of time
I wanna love, love you that much
cash it all in, give it all up
and when your gone, I wanna go too
Like Johnny and June
Like Johnny and June
They'll be no tears to cry
Only memories of our lives
They'll remember, remember
a love like that.
1095 Days.
I can NOT even believe my last name has been Clark (hyphenated) for 3 years.
Every marriage/relationship has it's valleys and it's peaks. Ours does too. I am happy to say that ours has more plateaus than valleys. I falling more in love with my husband each day. I think that children also make you love your spouse more. I love him for giving me this crazy, diva, girly girl. I love to watch them play. I love to hear them talk. I love to see them together.
My husband has been such a hard worker for us. He provides for us physically, spiritually and emotionally. He is a great support system. When I'm angry he will listen to me vent. When I am sad he does his best to make me happy again. When I am happy he likes to laugh with me. He is for sure my best friend. We are growing together and I am so happy about that.
Thank you to my sweetheart for doing the very best that you do! All I need is you.(& Hadleigh)
Ohh there's something 'bout a man in black
Makes me wanna buy a Cadillac
Throw the top back and roll down to Jackson Town
I wanna be there on the stage with you,
You and I can be the next rage two
Hear the crowd roar, make them want more
and kick the footlights out
I wanna a love like Johnny and June
Rings of fire burnin' with you
I wanna walk the line, walk the line
till the end of time
I wanna love, love you that much
cash it all in, give it all up
and when your gone, I wanna go too
Like Johnny and June
I wanna hold you baby right or wrong
build a world around a country song
Pray a sweet Prayer, follow you there
Down in history
I wanna a love like Johnny and June
Rings of fire burnin' with you
I wanna walk the line, walk the line
till the end of time
I wanna love, love you that much
cash it all in, give it all up
and when your gone, I wanna go too
Like Johnny and June
Like Johnny and June
More than life itself, no one else
This endless promise
They don't make love like that anymore
is that too much to be askin for
I wanna a love like Johnny and June
Rings of fire burnin' with you
I wanna walk the line, walk the line
till the end of time
I wanna love, love you that much
cash it all in, give it all up
and when your gone, I wanna go too
Like Johnny and June
Like Johnny and June
They'll be no tears to cry
Only memories of our lives
They'll remember, remember
a love like that.
Monday, February 6, 2012
I got my hair re-colored on Saturday. I love it! Jessica Reed Lopez did it for me. She does such a good job! AND she lets me trade services with her so it's even better! She colors my hair and I massage her. She was pregnant so I worked on some pressure points to help get her started. Guess what?! She had her baby on Sunday!!! I showed her the spots I was working on and told her to have her husband work on them every few hours. I have magical fingers. Anyone want a massage? Lets make a trade!!!

Friday, February 3, 2012
Brown never looked so good!!
Tonight my sister-in-law came over and we made Brown Sugar Body Scrub!!! It smelled good and we used all natural ingredients so if it's ingested it won't hurt!!! I hope that it works good. Now I just need to find about a dozen baby food jars/bottles/containers to make my valentines for Valentines Day!!!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Hairy Situation in the DAYTIME
I am so proud to announce that my hardworking, no sleep getting, full-time studenting, financial clerking, husband of mine has gotten a day shift job!! For the past 3.5 years my lovey has worked nights on a 3 on 3 off shift. He has also gone to school full time during most of it and held very prestigious callings in the Church. He has done the "Haven't slept in over 30 hours" thing which is really hard. I am just so happy for him to have his load lightened, even if it's just a tad. Having him home every night is worth the 30 cent pay cut. Love you babe and Congratulations!
So I colored my hair a few weeks ago and it was way darker than it is now. The "peek-a-boos" have gone more blond than red. But I still love it. The color it is now is less rebel more adultish. Does that even make sense? Anyways, I am thinking after this color fades to blond (I have to bleach my hair to color it since it's so healthy & dark) I am going to do Demi Lavoto red. It's like a ruby red with purple undertones. Google it, or look on my facebook page. I have a picture posted of her from a few days ago. I have wanted to start this year off skinny, fit, well rested, on a schedule with new hair, new clothes and a new outlook on life. So far I have the hair and clothes and most of the outlook done.
It's only January. I have 11 more months to finish my goals. I'm doing great!!

So I colored my hair a few weeks ago and it was way darker than it is now. The "peek-a-boos" have gone more blond than red. But I still love it. The color it is now is less rebel more adultish. Does that even make sense? Anyways, I am thinking after this color fades to blond (I have to bleach my hair to color it since it's so healthy & dark) I am going to do Demi Lavoto red. It's like a ruby red with purple undertones. Google it, or look on my facebook page. I have a picture posted of her from a few days ago. I have wanted to start this year off skinny, fit, well rested, on a schedule with new hair, new clothes and a new outlook on life. So far I have the hair and clothes and most of the outlook done.
It's only January. I have 11 more months to finish my goals. I'm doing great!!

Friday, January 27, 2012
Red Lobster....
Today my dad took his girls out to lunch. Well, most of us. Hallie had class and couldn't miss. It was fun to go to lunch with my parents and see them getting along and happy. Plus, it's always really fun to see them interact with Hadleigh. She did a couple funny things that I thought I would write down here so I don't forget.
When she wanted a crouton she said "Mommy, can I have a crunch?" So cute.
She also was telling my mom and dad what we did this week since we hadn't seen them since Monday. "I was good and got in the hot tub. And I almoss falled out but I didn't" And this little gem. "I was cryin cryin cryin cuz I was naughty and I sat in time out all night, all night."
She is too much! She is sooo smart and soo vocal. At least she can remember what we did... I just wish she could remember other stuff besides time-out. I guess it must traumatize her.
When she wanted a crouton she said "Mommy, can I have a crunch?" So cute.
She also was telling my mom and dad what we did this week since we hadn't seen them since Monday. "I was good and got in the hot tub. And I almoss falled out but I didn't" And this little gem. "I was cryin cryin cryin cuz I was naughty and I sat in time out all night, all night."
She is too much! She is sooo smart and soo vocal. At least she can remember what we did... I just wish she could remember other stuff besides time-out. I guess it must traumatize her.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming....
Today was day 2 of swimming lessons. My parents paid for little Hadleigh to take swimming lessons at the Rec. Center for one her Christmas presents. It is 8 weeks long and only on Saturdays. Last week was not good at all. I mean, the water was warm but Hadleigh did very little of what the teacher had us do. We had a hard Saturday last week.
This week she did a little better today. The water was kinda cold so she held on even harder for the first little while. She did finally let me turn her around so she wasn't facing me. I tried getting her to do front floats and back floats but she is so scared to get her ears wet. Dang those ear infections!!
I love to swim and the fact that I have a baby that is scared of water KILLS me!! I think I may actually DIE if she doesn't start picking it and being more comfortable in the "deeper" water. Our hot tub doesn't count either cuz she can literally walk in the "deep" end.
AND to add salt on the wound, if she can get potty trained, like water, have very very basic swimming skills and we can pay for a plane ticket Hadleigh gets to..... GO TO HAWAII!!! That's right! My dad is having a family reunion this summer and my parents have been kind enough to consider taking my daughter with them to meet all her Hawaiian cousins! We can't afford to go but I am hoping that wee can pay for Hadleigh to go. I think she would love it. Warm weather, sand, Hawaiian food, crafts, shorts, other little kids, and my dad.... her ideal life!
Please-Hadleigh- Please- be more cooperative and learn to swim and let's get your b.m's under control!!!
This week she did a little better today. The water was kinda cold so she held on even harder for the first little while. She did finally let me turn her around so she wasn't facing me. I tried getting her to do front floats and back floats but she is so scared to get her ears wet. Dang those ear infections!!
I love to swim and the fact that I have a baby that is scared of water KILLS me!! I think I may actually DIE if she doesn't start picking it and being more comfortable in the "deeper" water. Our hot tub doesn't count either cuz she can literally walk in the "deep" end.
AND to add salt on the wound, if she can get potty trained, like water, have very very basic swimming skills and we can pay for a plane ticket Hadleigh gets to..... GO TO HAWAII!!! That's right! My dad is having a family reunion this summer and my parents have been kind enough to consider taking my daughter with them to meet all her Hawaiian cousins! We can't afford to go but I am hoping that wee can pay for Hadleigh to go. I think she would love it. Warm weather, sand, Hawaiian food, crafts, shorts, other little kids, and my dad.... her ideal life!
Please-Hadleigh- Please- be more cooperative and learn to swim and let's get your b.m's under control!!!
Friday, January 13, 2012
New Me!!
This year we at the Clark house are trying to get our butt in gear. We want to up-grade our bodies (gym time), teach our baby new things(swim lessons and preschool) and make some changes(hair cuts!)
Jordon cut his hair back in December. He had a big fro going but decided he wanted short missionary hair again. I think right now it's at the perfect length. Anyways, it was my turn to get a new hair style. I wanted to do red highlights. But then I saw a picture of Jennifer Aniston and her aline bob.
Here it is people!! My red, slight aline bob!! More pictures to come!
Jordon cut his hair back in December. He had a big fro going but decided he wanted short missionary hair again. I think right now it's at the perfect length. Anyways, it was my turn to get a new hair style. I wanted to do red highlights. But then I saw a picture of Jennifer Aniston and her aline bob.
Here it is people!! My red, slight aline bob!! More pictures to come!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012
The end of the world....
We had a great Christmas... it went on for 3 days!! So many presents, family and treats! We got so spoiled! Saturday the 24th we had Christmas with my family. Christmas Eve night with the Clarks and then Christmas morning here!! Hadleigh and I went to Utah Monday through Wednesday with my parents to see my moms family. It was so fun!!
For New Years the 3 of us just stayed here and watched movies and drank soda. Hadleigh went to bed at about 10:30... we let her stay up late for NYE and we stayed up til about 12:30. We died that night. Thank goodness church wasn't until 11. Well, we missed the first 2 meetings but made it for Sacrament! Yahoo!
I hope all is well with you because all is well here. Cheers!
For New Years the 3 of us just stayed here and watched movies and drank soda. Hadleigh went to bed at about 10:30... we let her stay up late for NYE and we stayed up til about 12:30. We died that night. Thank goodness church wasn't until 11. Well, we missed the first 2 meetings but made it for Sacrament! Yahoo!
I hope all is well with you because all is well here. Cheers!
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